GOD of
gods ?
Deuteronomy 10 : 17
...God of gods, Lord of
lords, King of king's, Creator of creators, Holy Spirit of spirits,
GOD of Universes !!! For the very heavens of the heavens
cannot contain Him !!!
..."The whole earth is full of His glory."
- Book of the Prophet Isaiah 6 : 3
"The heavens declare the glory
of GOD."
- Psalms 19
..."I Praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and
earth because you have hidden these things from the wise and
learned and have revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for
such was your gracious will." - Gospel of Luke
10 : 21
: What you are about to read is a personal observation by
mario romano concerning the repetitive patterns found in nature
and which very, very highly likely repeat themselves throughout
this vast Universe...Please forgive me for being repetitive but I
would like to remind all our new visitors that eternity did
"NOT" begin with us in Genesis 1... Eternity has been
going on long, long before we were ever created !!!
It is also critical to understand that the very Throne of
GOD is "NOT" located inside of this Universe !!! Yes,
there is something bigger than even our expanding Universe !!!...
I would also like to remind everyone that 'everything and
everyone' that GOD has ever created is very, very special
to HIM ( the Angels occupy a special place in GOD's purpose, so do the Jews
and the Church ! It is not about us, it's all about Him;
let's not play favorites; GOD has more than enough of His love
to go around !!! Everything and everyone including the very Angels
themselves were all created for His pleasure & we are all a product
of His LOVE !!! It is very evident Biblically speaking
that GOD delights in having many, many children whom
He can share His unlimited love with in eternity !!!...Lastly;
I confess that Jesus Christ is GOD and that He is
thee only way to the Father and unto eternal life
!!! ( everyone else who teaches otherwise is a false prophet
and the truth is not in them ! )...It is the personal : observation, research and opinion
of mario romano that these patterns do repeat themselves all
over the millions upon millions of other Galaxies in this Universe
!!!...It is "NOT" Theologically incorrect to state that GOD is
not just GOD of the heavens and of this earth but HE
is also the GOD of "ALL" the other millions upon millions
of other planets ( whom according to the laws of probability & the
sequence of patterns and progressive revelation should be abundant in
life forms of all shapes and sizes just as it is here on Earth*) that
orbit the billions of other stars all of this Universe...I also
want to clarify that I am "NOT" referring to the UFOs and
their subjects as GOD's other creations; we know that Satan is the
god of this world ( god of this age* ) and he has blinded the
eyes of unbelievers for ages !!!...The Holy Bible itself reveals
to us that Satan is the Prince of the powers of the air of this planet;
it is the position of EUinProphecy.com that the UFOs
are none other than fallen angels who are putting on a show
for a possible coming endtimes great deception !!!...What EUinProphecy.com
is teaching and informing others is that in the billions
of human years in eternity past before there was any fall
and even before satan himself fell; GOD had already created
an innumerable amount of other creations which very possibly did
not fall and in a time in eternity when even satan himself
had not yet rebelled !!!...Our GOD is a multitasker, He is
"NOT" confined to any one place or any one creation in His Omnipresence
He is everywhere at once and in His sovereignty He does
as He pleases for HE created "ALL" and sustains "ALL."...EUinProphecy.com
writes these words with all the fear of GOD in mind...When
Cristopher Columbus "discovered" America most where shocked
by his discovery and by these new : people, food and animals
found in this new world...Because of the very high Biblical illiteracy at
the time most were "ignorant" that the Bible itself
never stated that the world was flat !!! The Bible declared in
Isaiah 40 : 22 that it is "ROUND" long, long before Columbus
time and the age of exploration...Just as GOD is not only the creator of
the Jews He is also the creator of all my : Asian friends,
all my Black friends, all my Brown friends and all my Causcasian
friends. "NO" one group of us was created to be in the animal
Kingdom we were all created in the very image of GOD !!! GOD likes
variety and "NO" all the other creations of GOD in
eternity past and future will "NOT" physically look like us
and "NO" extraterrestrials are "NOT" our creators or fathers
!!! GOD is our creator and HE is the creator of everything
and everyone that inhabits this Universe and all the others
( Yes, there are others Universes if you can create one
you can create many others !!! )...EUinProphecy.com knows that these
'insignificant observations' of ours will be confirmed in eternity***...Yes,
in this creation and in this planet Israel is the apple of
GOD's eye !!! GOD has an appointment with planet earth
and He will fulfill every last Prophecy spoken of by His
Prophets found in the Holy Bible !!!
...For by Him
ALL things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible
and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities
-- all things have been created through Him and for Him.
-Colossians 1 : 16
and Mario Romano which to take a small break from focusing
on the final endtimes Beast : who was, is not and is yet to
be and put our attention on our GLORIOUS and ALMIGHTY GOD
revealed to us through Jesus Christ !!! Yes, GOD knows the : national
identity card number, present address, the DNA , email address
and even the cell phone number and the precise GPS location
of the man who is to be the "Little Horn"
spoken of by the Prophet Daniel !!!...EUinProphecy.com was never
set up to glorify such an endtimes Beast; we were simply created
to "WARN" others about what the true Prophets of GOD
declared about the coming greatest enemy of : Israel, Judaism
and new believers in Yeshua : Jesus Christ that this world
will ever witness* ...It would be a sin for me to keep
quite if GOD indeed bestowed me with such gifts of
understanding these matters and I kept quite !!!
...It wasn't until 1609 when Galileo took a glimpse
at our Galaxy through his crude & primitive telescope and
realized that it was made up of millions of stars and it wasn't until
1676 that the humans first discovered micro-organisms...We have been literally sharing
this planet and this Universe with millions upon millions of
other life forms created also by GOD but most of us are
'too blind & too ignorant' to have noticed...What's
amazing is that it's now 2013 and most people believe that
the rest of the billions of : Galaxies and billions of
other planets that GOD "ALSO" created are simply empty
!!!...Me thinks not !!! but my "opinion" is not
important...The facts speak for themselves : The very heavens declare the
Glory of GOD !!!*
New Jerusalem described in the Book of Revelation 21 will
be even smaller than this planet ( physically speaking but not inter-dimensionally*)
what captures my 'imagination' is what will be "OUTSIDE"
of its 12 Gates and its high walls !!! Those who are
saved by the Blood of the Lamb in this 'creation
& planet' will be housed there; but what is more "ASTOUNDING"
is that there we will see the very face of our GOD,
our Creator forever more; everything else will be secondary !!!
...It should be no secret to anyone
why this creation has been 'confined and quarentined' to this
planet only; although we boast that we were created in the
image of GOD ( which we were ! ) we are very good at killing
each other, in fact we've perfected mass annihilation
with our latest weapons of mass destruction !!!...We have hatred
for our fellow neighbors simply because their skin tone is either
too dark or too light; we mistrust those who speak a
different tongue than us and as a whole we are indifferent
to the weakest amongst us !!!...If we do these horrible acts
to ourselves & against our brothers and sisters in this
creation imagine what we would do to other creations that look
even more different than us "IF" we had the chance !!!...Even
as stewarts of this planet we have done a terrible job,
we are destroying this earth like never before and contaminating
the very : water, air and soil that we depend on for living
!!!..."ALL" of us in this creation have sinned against the
Holy GOD !!!...It should be of no wonder why He has
confined us only to this planet; it is now 2013 and we
still can't send a man to the next closest planet !!!..."NO"
wonder why GOD doesn't let us conquer space we would mess
it up too !!!
...When all the Prophecies
and promises GOD gave humanity are fulfilled and after the Millenium
comes to an end and heaven and earth pass away ; GOD
will continue to keep on creating endless worlds & endless
creations because that is who HE IS : Thee CREATOR of "ALL"
...In no way am I trying to figure
out our GOD; His thoughts are not our thoughts nor His ways
our ways...I simply stand in awe of it all crying and laughing
and Praising my GOD for giving me the opportunity to have
been born; Thank you Lord Jesus !!!
...GOD didn't need the input or opinion of Stephen
Hawking nor that of NASA when He created this Universe
and the 'billions upon billions' of : stars, galaxies , life
forms and planets that are within it and He certainly
doesn't care about Hawkings nor NASA's opinion nor does
HE need their input now...
a student of Bible Prophecy it continues to be 'mind
boggling' to me that GOD knew the end from the very
beginning concerning this creation !!!...I'm still trying to absorb
this deep, deep theological fact and what it all means;
it means that GOD our creator is unlimited in power !!!
...Some teachers of Bible
Prophecy are teaching that extraterrestrials will be behind the rise
of the Anti-Christ and cause great deception; but the truth is that
we don't see aliens wiping out humanity in the Book
of Revelation; but we do see men killing & slaying one
another for it will be : nation against nation, ethnic group against ethnic group
and Kingdom against kingdom !!! Unfortunately, men will use
nuclear weapons against each other in the future as well as
a vast array of weapons of mass destruction !!!
...Mario Romano is "NOT" a
Prophet nor does he claim to speak on behalf of GOD nor
do I claim to speak on behalf of my fellow brother and
sisters in Christ who like this servant of GOD believe in
the Genesis account of Creation...What you are about to read
is just this servant of GODs "personal observation" of
the natural world all around us; this theory and
observation has "NO" doctrinal value; but it does confirm
and prove that the GOD which we worship truly is an
...Most creationist websites do "NOT" believe
that this Universe is full of life. The chief reason given
is that if such a thing was true that would make
us less special...The truth is that everything GOD created in
this Universe "IS" very special to HIM...It's "ALL" about
HIM ; it's not about us !!!...We inhabit a planet that currently
holds over 6+ billion human beings who were also created in the
image of GOD, this fact does "NOT" make me feel any
less loved by GOD...I have no envy that GOD has to
share his love with so many other millions upon millions of
human beings and you know what ? The Angels in heaven
also do "NOT" have any envy against us; on the contrary
the Book of Job reveals to us that the Son's of GOD
were rejoicing when this creation was being initiated !!! ( Book
of Job 38 : 7 ) and this joyful Angelic attitude with humans
is further confirmed by Jesus Christ himself when he stated
that their is joy in heaven when a sinner repents (
Luke 15 : 8 )
...As mature Christians we should "NOT" make
the same mistakes that were done by "SOME" our
Hebrew brothers who to this day continue to believe that GOD
loves them more than the Gentiles...The truth is that GOD
created all of us out of love and He is the very
essence of love
...Yes, this Universe is "FULL" of life !!!...Just
as regions of planet Earth appear lifeless and harsh so
do parts of this Universe "BUT" there are other regions
which are thriving in all forms of life forms...
and Mario Romano are "NOT" stating that UFO's
are the other creations of GOD...What we are declaring is that
GOD has created an innumerable amount of other creations in eternity
past and eternity future that were never part of any
"FALL" like we were...We are "CONFIRMING" though that
all the Biblical evidence suggests that as a fallen creation
"WE" have been "QUARENTINED" and it appears that
even Satan has been restricted and quarentined only to this
planet and to the presence of GOD and nowhere else !!!...The Bible
itself declares him to be the 'god of this world' and
if you have studied the Book of Job; Satan states
that all he does is go 'to and fro from this
earth' We should remember that Satan does "NOT"
have Omnipresent powers and that he is only limited to one
place at one time; unlike our GOD whom is OMNIPRESENT and
is "NOT" limited to anything !!!
..."ALL" life proceeds out of GOD and He
has created all types and forms of life in eternity past
that would make us feel even more insignificant than
we are...EUinProphecy.com and Mario Romano believe in the
Genesis account of creation !!! I do "NOT" doubt the WORD
of GOD; I know that GOD speaks and life is brought forth
!!! I know that "ALL" things are sustained by
the very power of His WORD !!! GOD "CANNOT" lie
!!! Because He lives we all live !!!
...Even after the Millenium comes and goes and we
enter eternity GOD will continue on creating; His creative powers
know "NO" limits
...I state this 'personal and insignificant' observations
simply because I do not want to leave this world with
any regrets; I want to shout, proclaim and teach the truth of GOD while
I am among the living in this planet, in this creation and in this body...
...I also
want to make it clear that thee most important and critical
thing to know is that : JESUS CHRIST is the only true
Saviour, there is "NO" other by which we can be saved...ALL
of us in "this Planet" have sinned against a very 'Good
and Holy GOD'
...It is very sad and tragic that even though
we inhabit a vast Universe who holds billions of stars
and billions of planets as a creation we have been condemned
to this planet lest we corrupt and spread our sin all over
this Universe; we are under a 'quarantine' our fall had
huge consequences which most of us don't quite grasp even
in 2013 !!!
...I reiterate that what you have just read is
"NOT" being pushed as doctrinal nor as a personal revelation;
I am merely stating what is obvious to me as I behold
this vast Universe...I do not envy the billions of other human
beings who were created in the image of GOD in this creation nor do
I envy the billions of Angels who were created before all
of us, nor do I envy my Jewish brothers and sisters; i'm
just happy to have been given the opportunity to have received
the gift of life and even though I was not born to
rich parents I am forever greatful to GOD because of
what Jesus Christ did at Calvary I will be given eternal
life !!!
...In sum and simply put; what you and I
know about our GOD and Creator should be multiplied by at
least a 'million fold' that is how much even GREATER
than we suppose our GOD ALMIGHTY really is !!! Jesus
Christ stated a fact that most of us tend to oversee
and dismiss too quickly and that is : "NOTHING is impossible
to GOD, NOTHING !!! ( Matthew 19 : 26 , Jeremiah 32 : 27,
Genesis 18 : 14 *)...Those that "KNOW" GOD shall do exploits
in HIS name; as a believer i'm striving to get to that
goal in Christ Jesus ( Daniel 11 : 32 )...I'm still plagued by
imperfections but I have no intentions of ever giving up
the good fight *
...Mario Romano is a student of Theology and
an amateur astronomer and like everyone he too is in awe
of the Almighty GOD : The Holy One of Israel manifested in Jesus Christ
!!!...Mario is still trying to grasp the "Big Picture'
of it all... What I do know is that GOD loves us
all; He created us for His pleasure and His will is that
all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth...Jesus Christ
is the Truth and He is GOD incarnate !!!...Mario is a
born again washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ; Mexican-American
believer who was saved by hearing the Gospel through the Telecast
of Jimmy Swaggart and now congregates in a Evangelical-Pentecostal
Church of believers...His prayer is that thee GOD in HEAVEN will
one day use this servant of His for His Honor and Glory*