Mr.666 =Hitler on
Steroids !
...During WW II the USA military
and the Soviet military were successful in stopping Hitler's quest
for global dominance...During WW III it will be the opposite,
Mr.666 will very likely crush or cripple both Russia and the
USA (Daniel 8 : 24
and 11 : 44*)
...Unfortunately, too
many forget that it took over 16+ million American soldiers in
WW II to stop Hitler and that Hitler's forces killed more
Soviet troops than even Jews !!! ( over 7+ million Soviet
soldiers died during WW II *)
the future, neither the US military nor the Russian military will
be able to stop the final Hitler who is yet to rise;
Bible Prophecy warns us that this endtimes totalitarian will be
unstoppable for a period of time and Israel will be his
...Virtually all the present global powers
were birthed out of war...This includes : Communist China, the European
Union and Israel...Major and drastic political change is seldom bloodless...The
present power structure of this planet is on the verge of
undergoing dramatic changes for Bible Prophecy guarantees the end of
American global dominance and the rise of part II of
Rome and this implies that China is "NOT" going to be
thee endtimes global superpower and much less the idea of
any Islamic Caliphate !!!
...By all accounts Adolph Hitler was a 'premature'
anti-Christ...He wasn't thee anti-Christ because Israel was "NOT"
yet been re-established; yet his diabolical actions forced
Jews all over the world back to Israel, no other figure
in history has annihilated more Jews than did Hitler, not
even the : Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Romans nor all the Islamic Arabs
and their terrorist groups all put together !!! ...Israel,
one is coming who will prove to be even more ruthless, evil
and lethal than Adolph Hitler and He is coming to you from
the West with the help of 10 Kings*
...As a student of Western Civilization and world history
I cannot help to compare and contrast Adolf Hitler's military
defeats with the victories that the Little Horn will enjoy
en route to his upcoming future global victory tour...Hitler was
indeed defeated by the introduction of American military might
in the Western Front while it was latter defeated by
the Soviets in the Eastern Front...Bible Prophecy warns us
that the future Mr.666 will "NOT" make these similar
strategic mistakes in the future in his quest for global dominance...It
is "NOT" too farfetched to consider that the 'Little
Horn' may play a key role in the fall of these United
States in the future because the Prophet Daniel 8 : 24 warns
us that this "Big Mouth Fella" will cause even the
"mighty to fall" and in Daniel 11 : 44, it appears that
he evens crushes Russian power once and for all something
that Adolf Hitler almost realized !!!
...Too many seem to forget that Bible Prophecy is like
a giant puzzle, GOD has revealed to us key pieces of endtimes
events but "NOT" every single piece...As a student of
Bible Prophecy I know that the endtimes Mr.666 is
very aware of Adolf Hitlers blunders and he will learn from
them...If you think Russia's strongman ; Putin is cunning and
a clever political animal you haven't seen nothing, we know that
the Beasts of the wild don't like competition and these alpha
male Beasts will usually fight each other till' death...
...As a student of Bible
Prophecy and a student of World War I and II, I
foresee many similar strategic military movements by the coming
Mr.666 as those of Hitler ( expansion & conquest : Revelation 6 :
1-2 )...Only this time according to Bible Prophecy evil will
triumph...As students of Bible Prophecy you and I know that
the Roman Vatican will be destroyed in the future by Mr.666
and his 10 partners in crime but what I am also certain
of is that "Mecca" will be destroyed first by Mr.666
!!!...Let's get this straight, Mr.666 will be "NO" one's true
friend because he wants all to worship him and no
other !!!...Hitler pushed and expanded East but the Nazi's also reached North Africa, the
coming successor of Hitler will likewise seek expansion but he
will not be limited only to all of Europe, the Middle East
and Northern Africa but to an even wider global conquest !!!
was created and launched in 1999, way before September 11, 2001
because this servant of GOD knows that a realigned
Roman alliance of 10 Kings will rise up in the last
days just as the Prophecies of Daniel and the Book of Revelation
"GUARANTEE" and this endtimes European alliance will pose the
greatest threat to Israel and the Jews as "NO"
other empire has in all of human history...Lets get this
straight !!! Western military powers have killed more Jews than
all the : Arab-Islamic, Persian, Assyrian, Egyptian and Babilonian empires
put together !!!...If all the Islamic terrorist groups and all
the big mouth Islamic dictators could have defeated Israel they
would have done it by now !!! The fact is that they
cannot and will never be able to defeat Israel militarily; "unfortunately"
Bible Prophecy warns us that a future endtimes alliance from
the Roman empire will arise in the future and it will be
this 10 horned Beast who will be in a position to militarily
defeat Israel in the future; presently the only one's who could
overtake Israeli airspace is NATO and I suspect that Mr.666 will
use NATO or its future incarnation against Israel in the
it is Prophesied that Israel's Islamic enemies will go to
war against Israel in the future "BUT" it is Prophesied
that Israel will win these future wars and will be
in a position to rebuild a new Jewish Temple in Jerusalem...This
should not surprise any student of Bible Prophecy because it has
been through victory in war that Israel was re-born in
1948 and that Jerusalem was reconquered in 1967 !!! ...It
will be through another war and victory that the Jews will
once again be able to erect a Temple in or near
the future ex-Dome of the Rock...
...Yes, unfortunately war is coming to the Middle East
but Israel is "NOT" the instigator, one need not be
a Prophet nor a military expert to see that the dictators
of Syria and Iran are up to no good and are preparing
for war against Israel !!! and the specter of Moscow is
all over this ever growing military conflagration !!!
...Those who teach that
Islam will produce the final Beast and the Ten Horns
have learned nothing from history...When people are desperate regardless
of their religiosity people will do "ANYTHING" for self
preservation we witnessed this with the rise of the Nazi's in
Germany in the 1930's and we will witness a similar European
reaction in the future, Yes, most European Muslims will be kicked
out of Europe in the future !!! ...The endtimes Mr.666 doesn't
just persecute and kills new believers and Jews in the Tribulation,
but also all those who stand in his way just as Hitler
also killed other minority groups and not just Jews !!!
...An evil is
coming to planet earth that cannot be fanthomed, the present European
Union and Eurozone will have to be revamped and I'm
certain that it may not be done peacefully nor willingly...The
present economic condition of most European countries is "NOT"
promising in fact to some it mirrors those of the 1930's
Germany and when people are desperate they turn to desperate measures;
even the European Union is ripe for a major revolution
be it 'peacefully or by force'...As a student of world history
and a student of Bible Prophecy I know for a fact that
the rise of the final Beast mentioned by the Book of Revelation
will "NOT" rise to power without any blood being shed
!!!...The Book of Revelation describes the Beast with 10 Horns
as rising from the sea; if my Bible Prophecy interpretation is
correct this "IMPLIES" that whatever other political structure was
in power ( EU, Eurozone etc ) was "NOT" successful and
will be replaced by this new Beast with 7 heads, ten horns
and a 'little horn with a big mouth' and let's not
forget the 'religious whore' who gets to ride it
for a short period***
...Unfortunately, another Hitleresque type is Prophesied to appear;
only this time he will not be Austrian nor German and much
less an Englishman...Bible Prophecy warns us that he will
be victorious for a short period of time in ways Adolf
Hitler was not and unfortunately Israel and my Jewish friends
will be at the center of his grand deception and wrath...It
is somewhat the chief goal of EuropeinProphecy.com to try and
be a chief watchman as to the identity of the Beast
as much as possible and or permitted by GOD*
...EUinProphecy.com and Mario
Romano believe in the Rapture of the true believers of Jesus
Christ before the 7 year Tribulation period; I'm not certain
how much we will get to witness but it is my prayer
that we will try to forewarn Israel and as many Jews as
possible as to what is headed their way...He ( Mr.666) will be
this century's "Trojan Horse" but only this time the
actual Trojan Horse will be a single man empowered by
the very powers of many demons within him*
...In conclusion, I do "NOT" apologize for being a
student of Bible Prophecy nor a Watchman...It is those who spend
hours upon hours memorizing sports 'facts and figures' who
are wasting their time and life, those of us who study the
WORD of GOD and teaching it are like the five wise
Virgins who know that it is all soon coming to an end
and we can't help it but warn as many as possible*...If
you knew the future wouldn't you want to warn as many as
possible ?
By : Mario Romano, Mario is a student of Bible
Prophecy; Mario knows that "Heaven Rules" Mario is not a
Prophet, not a Doctor of any kind and much less an Apostle,
he's just trying to be a true disciple of him who
: healed the sick, walked on water, raised the dead and paid the
full price for the redemption of many : JESUS THE CHRIST
!!!...It is the humble prayer of Mario that thee GOD of
heaven and earth use him one day for His Honor and Glory*
...Presently , Mario is working on Geo-Political simulations involving
the European Union and the entire Eurasian Continent...It is the
prayer of Mario that the GOD of heaven may one day use
this servant of His...