More Sarko ?
...France's 'colorful president' Nicholas Sarkozy appears
to have his days numbered according to
various French
polls...Like most European leaders
Sarkozy is being
blamed for the global recession that didn't spared the
pocketbooks of
most Frenchmen*...Sarkozy, still has
a dim chance of turning the tables come election time
Le Pen who garnered 20% of the French vote
very well be the
Kingmaker should she endorsed
Sarkozy, but Sarko so far has appeared uninterested
with Hollande leading by some 10% in the
polls Le
endorsement of Sarkozy could very well
produce a last minute surprise at the polls come May 6,
on the other hand Sarkozy may very well be more
interested in a high post at
the EU Headquarters;
has certainly very good connections to make
it possible*
...EUinProphecy.com was up and running before the rise
of Sarko and regardless of Sarko's
'lose or win' this
6, of 2012 we will continue to focus and analyse
this strange Beast with multiple heads composed
of the Eurozone ( 17 EU members
) and the European
( 27 members & growing )
((( UPDATE !!! Yes, Sarko is out of the French Presidency
"BUT" not yet out of all EU
future office positions..)))
Putin isn't the only one who can manipulate
himself back into power...Sarkozy was highly regarded
by the top EU honchos for his
Foreign Policy that put
back somewhat in the EU drivers seat, I wouldn't
be surprised if he is offered an
unelected bureaucratic
top EU
position in the future; that is why I still can't
count him out "YET"...Both Germany
& Israel preferred
in power over Hollande...That is why like England's
Tony Blair who is now an EU Middle East Representative
; Sarko cannot be counted out "YET"***He still may
have a future in a top EU
...The 'Reformation of the European
Union' will continue
or without Sarko...Presently the EU is an entangled :
political, economic & military alliance with
over 50 years
in the
making that will "NOT" be totally dissolved
overnight with any single crisis...Too much
is at stake
for every
member of this giant Beast...According to
Bible Prophecy this alliance of 27 within the EU and
17 within the Eurozone "WILL"
undergo "major
that will somehow put
its leadership
body in
the hand of an executive
core of 10 ***
...Does Sarko's end have any
Prophetic significance ?
he is a modern frontrunner of a man who fits
some of the profile description given
by the Prophet Daniel
concerning the little horn ( in my own personal and
insignificant opinion* )...His potential defeat in the
upcoming French Presidential elections "DOES NOT"
yet puts an end to his political future...Sarko may
very well still have a political future in the upper
echelons of the European Union and that
is why I cannot write him totally off yet*
...As a political scientist I
can tell you that Sarkozy
is unique in European politics...Sure, he is like most
politicians who promised much more than they could deliver
"but" in comparison with all
of the political weaklings
in the EU he stood out because of his strong
anti-Islamic position and his desire
to insert himself
in the "Middle East Peace Process."
...He was also the only European politician since
World War II to deport thousands
of people ( the
Roma )
out of France*
...According to the chronology of the Book of Revelation
the "Little Horn" will be very
active in world affairs
he is given absolute powers by the future
TEN KING's...Revelation 6 has him "conquering"
of the world and it isn't
until Revelation 17 : 2 that
the TEN HORN's give him ABSOLUTE powers just
as Adolph Hitler enjoyed once as the
Nazi's seized
control of all
of Germany...In other words the 'little horn'
should be recognizeable/identifiable by some even
before he is totally indwelt by the Prince of
"BUT" those
who totally ignore Bible Prophecy will
be totally deceived by his demonic powers...
...The European Union is in big
trouble, as I have
in the past "the Present form" of the EU
will change in the future as it somehow
itself with a
leadership of "10" who will fully
stand behind this European alliance...As it is
massive political
financial changes must be made for it to
have any chance for a future long term viability*
( unfortunately, the 666 Mark
is coming ever closer
fulfillment )
...The present financial situation
of the EU is to
expected because that is how Adolf Hitler once
rose to power in Germany; when the
economy tanked
and when
people became desperate; this short Austrian
man seized his opportunity into power by exploiting
most German's inner fears*
end is not yet, EuropeinProphecy.com was up
and running long before Sarkozy rose to prominance
and we will continue to diligently
research any man
who fits
the descriptions of the end times little horn
given to the Prophet Daniel* ...EUinProphecy.com
"DOES NOT" teach that
the world will be divided
into 10 World Regions as some interpret the Prophecy
of the 10 King's/Horns...I have
a political science
and am somewhat of a 'history buff'
and the Global 10 Region theory/interpretation does
not fit into the overall realistic conditions
of world
politics...During the Great
Tribulation a regional alliance
of nations will unite when most of the world falls
into chaos and this group led by 10
the world
in the final 7 year period of human
...We do not apologize for anything we state here
the future little
horn will end up killing millions of Jews
& new believers in Jesus Christ in the future...As students
of Bible Prophecy & world
history the least we can do
is to WARN the unsuspecting of what the Holy Bible
its Prophecies WARN
that is coming upon the whole
world in the future...I have repeatedly studied & watched
old films about the Holocaust
& Hitler's ascension to
and it amazes me how most underestimated
Hitler...I am merely a "watchman on the wall" you
call me crazy, but
i'm not the one fascinated by the
things of this world such as : sports, mindless entertainment
and things that have no eternal value...I stand my ground
and call things as they are*...I am
not a Prophet, but
am I a fool who is totally ignorant of the
signs of the times...
...I focus on
potential "little Horns" out there because
most teachers of Bible Prophecy teach
that the Rapture
of the
Church could happen at any moment, if this be so
then the end times 'Little Horn' should be alive and
position somewhere just
waiting for his hour...
...The Eurozone's financial crisis has
already claimed the
of Greece, Italy, Spain and now seriously threatens
France's Sarkozy...The Present financial structure of
so major restructuring must
with the Eurozone members that will in the future
reorganize it with the magic number of 10 King's amongst
...The situation in the
Eurozone "WILL WORSEN" in the
future, the top EU leadership are merely buying time while
they figure out how to avoid an
overnight financial
should Greece depart from the Eurozone !!!
...To tell you the truth I am more
worried about the
financial condition of the USA than of the EU
because the USA is in more debt than
the entire Eurozone
is !!!...Our
government continues to print money like crazy
to pay for massive billion dollar wars and for massive
unsustainable social
programs that no politician dares touch
because it would mean political suicide at election
...I'm no
economist but when the government prints
money like crazy just to pay for the
massive interest
payments of the ever increasing national debt
financial day of reckoning
cannot be far away*
have learned nothing from history, it is now
no secret that money is now being created
just by
typing in a few strokes
in many financial institutions
all this is setting the US Dollar for a future massive
...I do not yet know who the final 10 Horns/Toes/King's
Prophesied by the Prophet Daniel
and the Book of
will be "BUT" I ascertain that the Two Biggest
Horns in the EU & in the Eurozone
will certainly be included
these two are Germany and France the creators of
the European Union and the
two largest economies in the
no Prophet, but i'm also no fool who is
ignorant of the signs of the times*
...There are just a very few things that could turn the
tide and allow Sarko to remain
in power and one of
is if an Iranian-Israeli
War should take place
the final elections on
May the 6 of 2012 ***
...Regardless of what transpires EUinProphecy.com will
continue to be a "watchman"
of the destined Kingdom
the Beast...Most Bible prophecy teachers believe that
the man of sin cannot be revealed
until the Church is
from this earth; I respect their interpretation.
Yet, because so many of them have
been wrong in the
I will continue to offer my insignificant opinions
as a student of history and Bible Prophecy...I
do not
believe that the
man of sin will appear out of the
blue just
as the Rapture takes place, I believe he will work
his way up to total power just as Hitler,
Stalin and Mao
rose to power and if you know your history you know that
many people died as these super-dictators rose to
absolute power*
...Everything I state in this webpage I state with
fear of GOD in
mind...I know that we will have to
give an account to GOD for every word we ever spoke