   
The Last
Pope ? I saw satan fall from heaven like lightning !(
Luke 10 : 18 ) ((( UPDATED
3.13.2013 ))) ...As you can see the
visions of Malachi didn't come true, once again we were right;
his prophecies simply did not fit with those of the Book
of Revelation...The newly chosen Roman Pope didn't adopt the name of Peter the
Roman nor will he be the final '111' Roman Pope !!!...Having
visited all of the other Bible Prophecy web sites I believe
that we were the only one to declare that regardless
of who was elected Pope this one would "NOT" be the
final one...I personally do not believe that this one will last
very long either he has serious health problems and he only
has one lung at the age of 76 !!!...The end is not yet
"but" it is getting ever, ever closer !!!...We stated
this simply because Malachis visions-prophecies "DID NOT" fit with
the chronological order of the Book of Revelation; "Let GOD
be true and every human being a liar." ( Romans 3 : 4 ) __________________________________ ...It is the goal
and the prayer of mario romano that GOD will permit us
to be a true and faithful watchman concerning these endtimes...EUinProphecy.com
is branching out into : ChinainProphecy.com, IsraelinProphecy.net, RussiainProphecy.com,
RomeinProphecy.com in both Spanish and English and in the not so distant
future into Youtube too...We do not ask for one cent
from anyone; but we do seek your prayers that we be
led into all truth...ALL Glory be to GOD !!!...We are now
visited by almost every Latin American country as well as
by almost every English speaking country on earth...The best is yet
to come; it is the humble prayer of this servant of GOD
that HE will one day use this servant of his one day
in the future...Mario does "NOT" seek the applauses from anyone,
nor the glory of men all he seeks is to be found doing the
will of GOD...ALL of our Bible Prophecy websites will focus on
Jesus Christ and in no way do we condemn nor curse our
Islamic friends, our Roman Catholic friends, our Jewish friends, our Russian
friends, our Chinese friends nor any other friends for Jesus Christ
came "NOT" to condemn the world but to save it...The
Beasts of this planet are the governments !!! ...It is the
governments of the world who are trying to play the role
of GOD and GOD will bring into judgement all those earthly
leaders to whom much has been given; much will be
required of them come judgement time !!!...I am not here to
glorify any human ideal for "ALL" have fallen short
of the Glory of GOD !!!...Secular Democratic Capitalism is
as dangerous as Islamic fundamentalism and Chinese Atheistic
Communism in that they "ALL" are leading billions
of human souls into the wide gates of Hell !!! ______________________________ ...EUinProphecy.com is
open to the possibility that the Second Beast who rises
from the earth with two horns like a lamb but speaks
like a Dragon "may" be a totally different entity/institution
than the Whore who Rides the Beast in Revelation; yet
this "Lamb Lookalike" could very well be its religious
leader just like the "Little Horn" is the head
honcho of the Beast with Ten Horns***...Because the first Beast
has 10 horns and are symbols of Ten future King's, the
2 horns on this "Lamb looking" Dragon talking thing
may very well symbolize two future global institutions backing
it and because both of these Beasts have the power to
call down fire from heaven ( Missiles, armed drones, Military power
*) it is possible that both will be militarily
powers of some kind...The fire from heaven interpretation could be
fulfilled with our modern military technology, I used to interpret
this Prophecy with what Elijah the Prophet did during his ministry but
I'm still trying to understand it myself* and it should also be
noted that there is a differentiation between the fire of
the Two Witnesses of Revelation and the fire of the Two
Beasts who rise to power in the final days*** _______________________ ...This month of
March 2013 the Roman Vatican will enjoy free global mass media
publicity that money can't just buy by itself; all the eyes
of the world will be upon the "unholy smoke" emanating
from the Sistine Chapel "before" Easter Sunday...The Roman Catholic
Cardinals are timing everything for even greater publicity...If you've
had any doubts about who will be the future False Prophet
mentioned in the Book of Revelation then it should be getting
rather obvious now, because I cannot even name one religious leader
of Islam and even much less the religious leader of Hinduism and that of Buddhism !!!
( can you name one Islamic religious leader by name ? ) I only know
of general titles like the Ayatollah of Iran, or a Mullah and a Caliph;
but I can never really put a face to any one of
these except for the Ayatollah of Iran who is a Shia Muslim and if you
don't know anything about Islam, you should at least know that Muslims form Turkey don't really like
Muslims from Egypt and Muslims from Egypt don't really like their Persian brothers
nor their brand of Islam...The truth of the matter is that
Islam is a house divided; and a house divided will not stand
!!! That is why you see Muslims blowing up their own
brothers Mosques in several Islamic countries...Islam has been
having an internal religious civil war for centuries and it
is far from ending...Meanwhile back in Rome; Roman Catholics all
over the world await for one man who will continue
to lie to them and to lead them to the wide gate
and the broad path that leadeth to eternal damnation
with eyes wide open !!! _____________________________ ...There are a handful of major Prophecy teachers advocating
the advent of an Islamic takeover of the world, and woe
are they dead wrong !!!...Total war is coming as we've stated
before as revealed in Revelation 6 : 1-8 !!!...It is very, very
clear to this student of Bible Prophecy that : Islamic countries,
Islamic leaders, Islamic armies and Islamic fundamentalists will suffer massive
losses and devastation !!! That is why Rome once
again rises in the final days and why Israel is in a postion to
rebuild its new Temple in Jerusalem; all of course with the
diabolical aide of the 'Little Horn' who will appear to
be the savior of the West and Israel's new best friend*...After
this future war America will take a secondary role on the international stage
and even China and Russia won't emerge from this coming future war unscathed and it
is then that the Beast with 10 horns rises once and for
all from the Sea to dominate a crippled world devastated
by nuclear warfare and on the brink of economic collapse and guess
who will be riding on its back enjoying all the glory ?
( the whore with the golden cup ! and "NO" she's not
wearing no Burqa !!! )...This final Beast will be celebrating in
style the victory of this 21st Century Crusade and
the 2nd Beast will be personally in charge of "Deifying and Glorifying"
the man who made it all possible : Mr. Little Horn
!!! the same man who will appear to have saved
the : West, the Vatican and Israel from the
Islamic conundrum !!! ...They will say "Who
is like the Beast & who can make war against him ?"
- Revelation 13 : 4 ...Who would have trouble idolizing such a
man under those circumstances ? ________________________________ ...EuropeinProphecy.com and mario romano have completed end time
scenario simulations ( based on Bible Prophecies & historical cycles*) and
we very strongly affirm that the next Roman Catholic Pope will
"NOT, NOT,NOT" be the final Pope...Mario, like
all believers washed in the blood of Jesus Christ yearns
to be transformed in the twinkling of an eye "BUT" the
end is not yet...The Papal prophecies/visions of the Catholic Archbishop
Malachi will be proven "FALSE" this coming Pope will not be
the final one simply because it does not fit with the chronological
order of the Prophecies of the Book of Revelation !!!...Some are suggesting
that the final Pope will defect from the faith; the truth is that
"ALL" of the Papacy long ago defected from the true
faith to embrace "Babylonian" : customs, traditions and mysterious
rituals !!!...Let us remember that Malachi and his visions are
"NOT" part of Bible Prophecy; to me they are as genuinely deceiving
as those of Fatima and the Mayans *...And I remind everyone that
the true Church of Jesus Christ began in Jerusalem with
Jews and "NOT" in Rome...The 'Letter to the Romans'
confirms the chronology of the true Church* ______________________________ ...According to the Chronology of the Book of Revelation the
Political Beast : Mr.666 emerges first on the world scene , the second
Beast the False Prophet emerges "after" him; additionally Revelation
6 confirms this...It is Mr. Big Mouth who appears on the
world scene first after the Rapture of the Church all else
follows him and we must understand that when the little horn
emerges on the world scene he will "NOT" yet have all
the powers of Satan because he first confirms a 7 year covenant
with the "many" including Israel "BEFORE" Satan gives
him all of his power for 42 months... _____________________________ ...What is tragic is that the Roman Catholic religion has
enormous educational institutions and scholars among them and "YET"
they fail to realize and interpret that they are the "GREAT
WHORE" mentioned by the Book of Revelation 17 !!!...It most
certainly isn't the Buddhist religion whose key geographical religious
capital is in India nor is it Islam whose key religious center
is Mecca, Saudi Arabia !!!...The Holy Bible warns us that a good
tree does "NOT" produce bad fruit; in the case of the
Vatican all one has to observe is its very own fruit produced
by its various branches throughout the centuries !!!...For many, many centuries millions
were killed by the authority of the Vatican by way of the
"unholy inquisitions, the crusades and outright genocide !!!" and
this doesn't even include the millions of other innocent souls
who have suffered pedophilia by its priests over many, many centuries
!!!...It is no wonder why the prophecies of the Bible warn
us to flee from her for her many sins have reached heaven
and the HOLY GOD of this creation will most certainly "NOT"
just look the other way; for the blood of all those who
she persecuted without mercy still call unto GOD for justice !!! ___________________________ ...What we are forecasting
is that the next Pope regardless of who he will be will
also serve a short time as the Roman Pontiff...The truth of
the matter is that all of the top candidates for succeeding
this Roman Pope are also all rather 'aged in years'
with health problems of their own...Major changes are yet destined
for the entire world, the EU and the Vatican...Hold fast
therefore because the end is not yet, but it sure is getting much, much
closer than ever before*...I still recall telling my brothers in 2005 that
the next Pope would be a : German or French and I
got it right then ( I stated French because at the time
the top Catholic leader of France at the time was a Jewish
Catholic cardinal 'Jean Marie Lustiger' who died only two years
later after Pope Benedict was chosen* _____________________________ ...It comes to no surprise to me that the Italian Press
recently uncovered a massive 'underground Gay Priest club'
in the Vatican...The Vatican, long, long ago was filled with "Abominations"
and the truth is that even the secular media has not even
printed the whole story concernong the sexual deviance of most
Roman Catholic leaders; pedophilia is not a recent phenomenon !!!...The
truth is that it has been going for over a thousand years
!!!...( can you grasp how many thousands upon thousands of innocent
children have been affected throughout the ages ? ) ...These abominations
perpetuated by the Roman Vatican is a perfect example of
what happens when anyone deviates from the WORD OF GOD...The
original Priests of the Old Testament ( which the Vatican tries to emulate *)
were allowed to marry and have families; even the original Roman Catholic
Priests were once allowed to marry too "BUT" because of
"MONEY" Rome long ago decided to forbid it in order
to keep the wealth unto itself... ___________________________ ...We "AFFIRM" that the Roman catholic Pope
is a "FALSE PROPHET" and that the Vatican will be that
"Woman on top of the Beast" found in the Book
of Revelation this fact tells us that "unfortunately" most
Roman catholics will "NOT" be Raptured because they chose
to believe lies and not the truth; the TRUTH being that one
must be born again and that "ONLY" through Jesus Christ can
man attain total forgiveness for their sins...Merely believing in GOD is
not sufficient for salvation my fellow Jewish friends believe in
GOD but most do not see nor accept Jesus Christ as the
total atonement for their sins; therefore all who believe likewise
will die in their sins for not believeing in the only begotten
of the Father* ____________________ ...EUinProphecy.com is still "open" to various endtime
scenarios, if this truly was the Last pope then it means
that the man who is to be the Little Horn is already
very actively working behind the scenes as an emerging political
powerbroker somewhere in the geograhy of the ancient Roman Empire and what we
know today as the modern descendent of it personified in the European
Union who itself is yet to "re-arrange" itself one more
time to make way for the final 10 King's who will
lead it in the future...If this was the final Pope then
the Rapture is just around the corner and the Trump
of GOD is eminent*** _________________________ ...It is dangerous to quote false prophets to begin with
and in this case I am referring to the apparition of Fatima
with the 'supposed Prophecy' concerning the last Pope, the
truth is that Fatima was "NOT" the same Mary as found
in the Bible...Stealing the identity of another person is nothing
new the real Mary had hers stolen by the fallen angel
of light who transforms himself into such apparitions to
keep on deceiving the Biblical illiterate...According to 'Fatima' the
last Pope will be controlled by Satan ( Malachi Martin 3rd secret of Fatima*)
the truth is that "ALL" of the Vatican is Satan's masterpiece
for it is a religious institution that leads hundreds of millions
of human souls astray and into the wide path that ends in
hell and that keeps "most" Roman Catholics far away from
the narrow gate by deceiving them with man made traditions and
unbiblical doctrines of demons; and what is most 'unfortunate
and tragic' is that despite : the Crusades, the Inquisitions and
over 1200+ years of pedophilia and sexual deviancy "most" Roman
Catholics still choose to believe and drink from the Golden
Cup of this woman !!! _____________________________ ...By : mario romano, mario is a student of bible
prophecy and Theology...He is "NOT" a Prophet; his prayer
is that GOD may one day use him for His Honor and
Glory*..."Even "IF" GOD never uses him one day, that's
ok; Blessed be the Name of the LORD : Jesus Christ !!!
...EuropeinProphecy.com has been "online" for over 14 years
now !!! and I feel that we're just getting started,
I know that the best is yet to come !!!...I have so
much yet to learn so bear with us in Christ Jesus*...Mario Romano
prays for the souls of my : Muslim friends , my Catholics
friends and my Buddhist, Jewish and all other friends
who reject Jesus Christ as the only true Savior of
all humanity* ___________________________ ...UNDER CONSTRUCTION...******* ______________________________

Sarkozy demands overhaul of
world capitalist system "We need to rebuild the whole world financial and
monetary system from scratch, we need a financial New World Order ", French President Nicolas Sarkozy said in a keynote
speech in Toulon." EUNEWS - 2008 TOULON - EU President Nicolas Sarkozy attacked the world's
capitalist system on Thursday, saying it needed to be overhauled and promised to protect the French economy from the fallout. In
a keynote speech on the market mayhem, Sarkozy said France was in recession and the crisis would weigh on the economy for
months to come, but promised that the state would step in to protect bank deposits if necessary. He also urged the European
Union to revise its economic model and rethink its monetary policy goals. "I am convinced that the problem is a
deep-seated one and we need to rebuild the whole world financial and monetary system from scratch," Sarkozy told some
4,000 supporters at a rally in southern France. "The idea of the absolute power of the markets that should not
be constrained by any rule, by any political intervention, was a mad idea. The idea that markets are always right was a mad
idea," he said. He repeated his call for major power leaders to meet before the end of the year to map out a new
financial system and said it was vital to review currency levels, adding that both the dollar and Chinese yuan were undervalued. "We
cannot continue to manage the economy of the 21st century with the instruments of the economy of the 20th century," he
said. He also warned bankers and business leaders to curb their salary levels, saying the government would introduce
legislation by the end of the year if they failed to reform themselves. He said Europe needed to rework its institutions
to make them strong enough to deal with the sort of crisis that threw Wall Street banks into disarray this month. "It
must reflect collectively on its doctrine of competition...on the instruments of its economic policy, on the objectives assigned
to its monetary policy," Sarkozy said. He said he would make proposals for how this could be done at next month's
European Union summit. Recession The French economy contracted 0.3 percent in the second quarter and recent data
has been dismal, sparking fears of a recession, described as two quarters of negative growth. Business confidence has
plummeted and the manufacturing sector suffered its sharpest contraction in over six and a half years this month. Unemployment
is expected to rise and households have been squeezed by rising prices. Sarkozy said the economy was already in recession
and promised he would not raise taxes to bolster state coffers. "In the current economic climate I will not introduce
an austerity plan which will worsen the recession," he said. He said he would not raise charges on companies and
if the economy slowed further would take necessary steps to support it. Sarkozy's speech came ahead of his government's
unveiling of the 2009 budget on Friday. The slowdown in growth has led to lower tax receipts and the government is not
expected to include many new measures to help consumers and stimulate growth. However, the French president said he
would pursue his reform programme despite the financial turmoil, reforming the labour market, cutting the public sector workforce
and speeding up the introduction of new generation nuclear power stations. "The crisis calls for an acceleration
of the rhythm of reforms not a slowdown," he said.
EU President Sarkozy calls
for Financial and Military New World Order EU Observer - 2008 The
rising geopolitical risks have been underscored by the multiple crises the world confronts today — from a severe global
credit crunch and financial tumult to serious energy and food challenges. Add to that the international failure to stem the
spreading scourge of terrorism and the spectre of a renewed Cold War arising from the deterioration in relations between the
West and Russia since Moscow’s 8-8-08 retaliatory military intervention in Georgia and subsequent recognition of the
breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia — actions that some portray as the 21st century’s first forcible
changing of borders. The world clearly is at a turning point, underscored by ongoing tectonic shifts in political and
economic power. Tinkering won’t help because the global crises cry out for fundamental changes in international rules
and institutions. That was the broad conclusion at last week’s inaugural World Policy Conference in Evian, attended
by a number of heads of state or government, policymakers and intellectuals, including this writer. The common theme in many
of the presentations was that the grave challenges the world faces today demand major fixes. If existing institutions
are not adapted to the new power realities in the world, greater instability is likely to ensue. As French President Nicolas
Sarkozy pointed out in his address, a 21st century world is saddled with 20th century institutions. Consequently, there is
great uncertainty over how to address the pressing challenges. In addition to the imperative to enlarge the United Nations
Security Council and the Group of Eight, the failing Bretton Woods system needs to be overhauled. The various crises have
shown, as Russian President Dmitry Medvedev highlighted, that no single power or institution can claim exclusive rights to
set the rules. Changing the international institutional structure, however, is no easy task. The existing institutions
were born of crises and now represent entrenched interests of some players. It will be difficult to reform or replace them
until a serious, sustained crisis makes change inescapable. The financial meltdown could be one such crisis that facilitates
an overhaul of the Bretton Woods institutions at a time when Asia has emerged as the world’s main creditor. But as the
futile efforts to reform the Security Council for more than two decades illustrate, revamping any institution is a Herculean
task. Even reforming the International Energy Agency is proving daunting. Meantime, the Great Powers continue to impose their
will on weaker nations, limiting the latter’s freedom of action. For too long, but especially since the end of
the Cold War, democracy and markets were touted as the twin answer to all ills. Today, both have come under serious strain.
Democracy is in retreat globally after the successes of the 1990s in spreading political freedoms to Eastern Europe and overturning
dictatorships in Indonesia, South Korea, Taiwan and Chile. The financial crisis, for its part, has helped turn free-market
principles on their head. After having dispensed one prescription to all — liberalise, privatise and emulate
the Anglo-American practices of financial and corporate governance — the US has taken the lead in precipitously embracing
principles of financial socialism in the current crisis. The US has swung from implicit faith in the power of markets to bailing
out its troubled financial behemoths in a manner that seeks to keep profits in private hands but nationalises the losses.
By palming off losses to the masses, the US has not only backed away from its own model of capitalism, but also set in motion
new practices that some European economies have been to quick to emulate. Nothing better illustrates the troubling turn of
events than London’s use of an anti-terrorism law to freeze the British assets of an Icelandic bank. The US government
takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, bailout of AIG and moves to partially nationalise some banks mark the end of America’s
trust-the-markets capitalism. Henceforth, the US will have no face to preach laissez faire capitalism. In fact, the global
financial mayhem has resulted from the excesses of Anglo-Saxon capitalism, symbolised by unbridled risk-taking, which created
a liquidity problem before manifesting itself as a solvency problem. The lesson: high living on borrowed Asian money is just
not sustainable. The gap between principle and practice has also extended to the foreign-policy realm. The West, for
example, has supported the inviolability of international borders while contradictorily backing the right of self-determination.
Having sponsored Kosovo’s self-proclamation of independence from Serbia last February, the US and some of its allies
today find themselves in the awkward position of opposing the right of self-determination for the people of South Ossetia
and Abkhazia — now self-declared independent entities under Russian protection. It is as if the legitimacy of a self-declaration
of independence depends on which Great Power sponsors the action. The events of September 2008 that set in motion the
financial meltdown and now threaten global recession have proven no less significant than 9/11. While 9/11 involved terrorist
attacks on symbols of US power, the events since last month represent an insidious assault on US financial might, which helps
underpin America’s global strategic heft. Together with the other crises, they signal an end to the leadership role
the US has played in the economic and political spheres since the end of World War II. The multiple crises indeed are proof
that America, with its own mess, is no longer able to play global guardian. Until a new world order emerges, we will
continue to live, to quote Sarkozy, in “a dysfunctional world with an outdated set of rules”. Only revamped institutions
and new rules can deal with the root causes of the present financial and military crises, not just the symptoms.