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Nuclear Wars Cometh!

...The  symbolisms  of  the  Book  of  Revelation   strongly   suggest  that  nuclear  weapons  will  be  utilized  in the future  in  at  least  3  to  4  global  conflicts...Currently  there  are  over  20,000+  nuclear  weapons  of  all  sizes  in  the  arsenals  of  all  the  nuclear  powers  and  during  the  Cold  War  this  nuclear  stockpile  was  much, much  greater  !!!...It  is  somewhat  of  a  miracle  that   "NO"  nation  has  used   a  nuclear  weapon  since   the  ending of  World War  II  ( Hiroshima  and  Nagasaki )  although   the  U.S. and  the  Soviet  Union  were   at  the  brink  of  nuclear  war  during the  Cuban  Missile  Crisis !!!...If  you  don't  know  a  thing  about  nuclear  weapons  you  should  know  that  they  come  in  all  sizes;   and  depending on the  target  and  the  scale  of  destruction  you  want  to  cause  that's  what  you  use,  if  you  don't  want  overkill  then  you  use  a  small  nuclear  device...


...It  appears  that  one  of  the  first   places  in  the  world  that  will  suffer  a  nuclear  strike  in  the  future  will  be  the  city  of  Damascus, Syria...According  to  Bible  Prophecy   Damascus  will  be  wiped  out  in  the  future  and  if  it  is , it  will  only  be  because  it  attacked  Israel  first  and  caused  massive  damage    to  an  Israeli  target...Israel  would  "NEVER"  pre-empt  against  Syria  unless  its  very  existence  was  at  stake  !!!


...The  second  nuclear   conflict  I  interpret  is  found  in  Revelation  6,  the  Anti-Christ  which  symbolizes  the  1st  Horseman  of  the  Apocalypse  goes  on  a  'World  Conquest  Tour'   and  according  to  Revelation  6  when  all  his  other  horsemen  friends  are  done  25%  of  the  world's  population  is  annihilated...Giving  these  numbers :  some  2  billion  human  beings  will  be  wiped  out  during  the  first  stage  of  the  Tribulation  period  and  in  order  to  wipe  out  these  kinds  of  numbers  it  is  obvious  to  me  that  nuclear  weapons  will  be  ordered, deployed  &  utilized   by  the  Anti-Christ   !!!


...The  Third  place  I  witness  and  interpret  nuclear  weapons  being  used  is  in  Revelation  9 : 15  these  Four  Angels  are  let  loosed  to  kill  30%  of  mankind; I  have  always  interpreted  this  as  a  nuclear  holocaust  in  that  region  of  the  world,  it  is  my  interpretation  that  the  King's  of  the  East   will  use  their  nuclear  arsenal  against  the  peoples  who  live  in  that  specific  region  of  this  planet  and  the  people who  live near  the  Euphrates  and  Tigris  River  just  happen  to  be  mostly  Islamic  countries  (  regardless  of  who does the actual  killing  the  4  Angels  or  nuclear  missile  strikes  "MOST"  Islamic  countries  will  be  almost  wiped  out  by  the  time  we  get  to  Revelation  10  !!!


...In  the  beginning  GOD  never  intended  for  men  who   HE  created  in  HIS  image  to  slay  one  another;   because  of  the  FALL :  all  matter  of   death, destruction  and  curses  came  into  being  and   we  are  all  still  paying  for  it...If  you  read  the  Old  Testament  you  will  notice  that  Israel  was  constantly  at  war  with  its  hostile  neighbors;  unfortunately,  war  is  nothing  new... The  Biblical  Prophecies   guarantee  that  there  will  be  several  wars  in  the  future  that  will  affect  almost  every  living  being  on  this  planet  !!!


...There  are  a  growing  number  of   people  some  believers  and  some  not  who  are  teaching  that  extraterrestrial  aliens  will   invade  planet  earth  in  the  future  and  propel   the  anti-Christ  to  power  here  on  planet  does  "NOT"  accept  that  interpretation;  the  future  anti-Christ  will  be  a  human  being  from  this  planet  who  will  be  indwelled  by  the  powers  of  evil  as  no  other  human  being  has  ever  been  before...Additionally,  the  prophecies  of  Revelation  teach  that  it  will  be  men  who  will  be  slaying  one  another;  we  don't  need  or  see  alien  crafts  wiping  out  humanity  in  Revelation  but  we  do  see  two  giant  Astetroids/Meteors  striking  this  planet in the  future  and  cause  massive  damage  and  destruction  !!!


...I  personally  abhor  war  but  the  cruel  reality  of  this  world  is  that  we  all  have  a  right  to  DEFEND  ourselves  against  any  and  all  forces  who  threaten  our  existence...The  Holocaust  is  a  testament  to  the  inhumane  human  condition;  all  men  without  the  Holy  Spirit  of  GOD  are  wicked  and  will  will  do  evil  unto  their  fellow  men !!!...My  Jewish  brothers  and  friends  have  every  right  to  DEFEND  what  GOD  gave  them  against  any  and  all  of  its  enemies  just  as  you  or  I  or  any  nation  have  the  right  to  defend  itself  against   any and  all  aggressors  bent  on  : stealing, killing  and  destroying  us  !!!


...What  concerns  me  the  most  as  a  student  of  Bible  Prophecy   is  that  it  appears  that  the  future  'Little  Horn'   ( the  most  formidable  enemy  that  the  Jews  will  ever  face  !  )  will  somehow   defeat  Israel  in  the   future  and  get  a  hold  of  Israel's  nuclear  arsenal  somehow  !!!...After  he  'confirms  the  covenant  with the many for one week'  we  are  warned  that  he  shall  break  it  in  the  middle  of  the  week  and  cause  the   'Abomination  of  Desolation'   during this  time  all  hell  breaks  loose   and  the  Jews  are   warned  to  flee  to  Petra  (  or  another  safe  place  which  will  be  out  of  the  reach  of  the  anti-Christ )   as  the  future  antichrist  breaks  his   part  of  the  7  year  covenant  with  Israel  his  military  forces  literally  over-run  Israel;  it  is  Prophesied  by  the  Prophet  Zechariah   that  this  endtimes  Hitleresque  figure   will   annihilate  60%  of  the  worlds  Jewish  population  in  the  future  (  Zechariah   13 : 8 )...Unfortunately,  Israel  has  yet  to  encounter  its  most  formidable  enemy  of  time,  we  cannot  even  remotely  compare  what  the  :  Egyptian  Pharoah, nor  the  Babylonian  Kings  nor  Assyrian  Kings  did  to  the  Jews  with  what  the  endtimes   anti-Christ  will  do  to  them*...As  you  can  see;  the  Islamic  enemies  of  Israel   are  not  much  of  an  enemy  in  comparison  with  what  the  future  European  Union   (  EO -10*)   will   unleash  against  Israel  in  the  future  !!!


...Israel  thee  greatest  threat  to  your  existence  in  the  future  will  come  from  the  WEST...The  present  European  Union   will   be  reorganized  in  the  future  into  a  very  visible   alliance   headed  by  10  European-Mediterranean-former  Roman  Empire  members...It  appears  that  war  is  coming;  the  EU  will  be  reorganized  weather   a  collapse  of  the  EURO  forces  it  to  or  a  major  war  causes  it  to  split  this  head  of  the  former  Roman  Empire   will  become  your  greatest  challenge  and  foe  in  the  future...He  will  come  to  you   by  peace  and  he  shall  confirm  with  you  a  Treaty   of  7  years  and  he  shall  break  it  in  the  middle  of  it *



...Bible  Prophecy  does  not  tells  us  specifically  weather  Iran  and  North  Korea  will  use  get  to  use  their  nukes  in  the  future;  but  what  we  are  guaranteed  by  the  Prophecies  of  the  Bible  is  that  nuclear  weapons  will  be  used  in  the  tribulation  period  as  I  mentioned  above...Nuclear  War  is  "INEVITABLE"  and  that  is  why   every  human  being  should  get  right  with  their  CREATOR : GOD  !!!...The  truth  is  that  every  human  being  is  destined  to  die  one  day  weather  it  be  by  natural  causes   or  by  other  things  "death  is  death."   Jesus  Christ  made  it  possible  for  "ALL"  of  us  in  this  fallen  planet  to  find  total  forgiveness  of  our  sins  with   GOD...While  we  cannot  change  the  future  of  this  planet  we  do  have  the  power  to  change  our  "personal"  destiny  GOD  promises  eternal  life  to  all  those  who  repent  of  their  sins  and  ask  HIM  for  forgiveness  !!!...Despite  the  fact  that  we  have  ALL  failed  GOD  ( there  is  none  good, not one !!! )  GOD  still  has  compassion  for  this  rebellious  planet  and  HE  has  gone  out  of  HIS  way  to  redeem  all  those  who   invoke  His  Holy  name  with  a  repentant  heart !!!      



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Sarkozy : EU treaty adoption puts
France 'back in Europe'

PARIS — President Nicolas Sarkozy on Sunday hailed the French parliament's adoption of the European Union's new reform treaty, saying it had restored the country to its rightful place in Europe.

"This simplified treaty was France's initiative, to pull Europe out of the institutional crisis it was facing," Sarkozy said in a televised address to the nation, three years after rebellious French voters shot down the EU's ill-fated constitution in a referendum.

The president, who pledged before his election to restore France's driving role in Europe, played a leading role in drawing up the text, a tailored-down version of the treaty consigned to oblivion by the French and Dutch in 2005.

"Thanks to this success, for it is a success, France is back in Europe," said the French leader, who is battling a severe slump in the polls as Paris prepares to take over the EU's six-month presidency in July.

Both French houses of parliament voted resoundingly this week in favour of the treaty, which was signed in Lisbon in December.

Its ratification will become official on Thursday, February 14, following its publication in the government's official gazette, Sarkozy's office said.

France is the fifth EU country -- and the first major EU power -- to ratify the new treaty, which must be approved in all 27 member states before it can come into force as planned in 2009.

"Europe now has the framework it needs to get moving again," Sarkozy said.

But the president warned that decision-making gridlock was only part of the EU's problem.

"Now that Europe can make decisions, the problem is knowing what it wants," he said, before repeating his controversial call for European leaders to have a say in fixing monetary policy in the 15-nation eurozone.

"We must be able to talk about everything just like in any democracy: of our currency which is not a taboo subject, of trade policy, of industrial policy, of reciprocity in competition matters or the excesses of financial capitalism."

"Right now, what is at stake is to put politics back in Europe, to not leave Europe in the hands of automatic rules that allow no room for decisions and political responsibility," Sarkozy said.

He repeated his insistence that unbridled competition should be "a means to an end, rather than a goal in itself" -- a key change in the text of the Lisbon treaty that sparked protests from some European nations.

Like the rejected constitution, the Lisbon treaty proposes a European foreign policy supremo and a permanent president to replace the six-month rotation system.

The charter cuts the size of the European Parliament and the number of EU decisions which require unanimous support, thus reducing national vetoes.

It also includes a European charter of fundamental human and legal rights, which Britain and Poland have refused to make binding.

However it drops all references to an EU flag or anthem which had fanned eurosceptic fears of another step towards a federal Europe.

The French president had insisted before his election that any new EU treaty should be adopted by parliament rather than risk a second referendum.

His refusal to submit it to popular scrutiny fuelled anger across opposition ranks, but Sarkozy defended his decision as the only way to break the gridlock.

France's main opposition Socialists had split over the 2005 EU referendum when a rebel faction defied party leaders to campaign for a "No" vote, and the new treaty re-opened many of the old wounds.

A breakaway group of Socialist deputies voted against the treaty, although most finally joined the ruling Union for a Popular Movement and its centrist allies to back the text.

Sarkozy : EU treaty adoption puts
France 'back in Europe'

PARIS — President Nicolas Sarkozy on Sunday hailed the French parliament's adoption of the European Union's new reform treaty, saying it had restored the country to its rightful place in Europe.

"This simplified treaty was France's initiative, to pull Europe out of the institutional crisis it was facing," Sarkozy said in a televised address to the nation, three years after rebellious French voters shot down the EU's ill-fated constitution in a referendum.

The president, who pledged before his election to restore France's driving role in Europe, played a leading role in drawing up the text, a tailored-down version of the treaty consigned to oblivion by the French and Dutch in 2005.

"Thanks to this success, for it is a success, France is back in Europe," said the French leader, who is battling a severe slump in the polls as Paris prepares to take over the EU's six-month presidency in July.

Both French houses of parliament voted resoundingly this week in favour of the treaty, which was signed in Lisbon in December.

Its ratification will become official on Thursday, February 14, following its publication in the government's official gazette, Sarkozy's office said.

France is the fifth EU country -- and the first major EU power -- to ratify the new treaty, which must be approved in all 27 member states before it can come into force as planned in 2009.

"Europe now has the framework it needs to get moving again," Sarkozy said.

But the president warned that decision-making gridlock was only part of the EU's problem.

"Now that Europe can make decisions, the problem is knowing what it wants," he said, before repeating his controversial call for European leaders to have a say in fixing monetary policy in the 15-nation eurozone.

"We must be able to talk about everything just like in any democracy: of our currency which is not a taboo subject, of trade policy, of industrial policy, of reciprocity in competition matters or the excesses of financial capitalism."

"Right now, what is at stake is to put politics back in Europe, to not leave Europe in the hands of automatic rules that allow no room for decisions and political responsibility," Sarkozy said.

He repeated his insistence that unbridled competition should be "a means to an end, rather than a goal in itself" -- a key change in the text of the Lisbon treaty that sparked protests from some European nations.

Like the rejected constitution, the Lisbon treaty proposes a European foreign policy supremo and a permanent president to replace the six-month rotation system.

The charter cuts the size of the European Parliament and the number of EU decisions which require unanimous support, thus reducing national vetoes.

It also includes a European charter of fundamental human and legal rights, which Britain and Poland have refused to make binding.

However it drops all references to an EU flag or anthem which had fanned eurosceptic fears of another step towards a federal Europe.

The French president had insisted before his election that any new EU treaty should be adopted by parliament rather than risk a second referendum.

His refusal to submit it to popular scrutiny fuelled anger across opposition ranks, but Sarkozy defended his decision as the only way to break the gridlock.

France's main opposition Socialists had split over the 2005 EU referendum when a rebel faction defied party leaders to campaign for a "No" vote, and the new treaty re-opened many of the old wounds.

A breakaway group of Socialist deputies voted against the treaty, although most finally joined the ruling Union for a Popular Movement and its centrist allies to back the text.

Sarkozy : EU treaty adoption puts
France 'back in Europe'

PARIS — President Nicolas Sarkozy on Sunday hailed the French parliament's adoption of the European Union's new reform treaty, saying it had restored the country to its rightful place in Europe.

"This simplified treaty was France's initiative, to pull Europe out of the institutional crisis it was facing," Sarkozy said in a televised address to the nation, three years after rebellious French voters shot down the EU's ill-fated constitution in a referendum.

The president, who pledged before his election to restore France's driving role in Europe, played a leading role in drawing up the text, a tailored-down version of the treaty consigned to oblivion by the French and Dutch in 2005.

"Thanks to this success, for it is a success, France is back in Europe," said the French leader, who is battling a severe slump in the polls as Paris prepares to take over the EU's six-month presidency in July.

Both French houses of parliament voted resoundingly this week in favour of the treaty, which was signed in Lisbon in December.

Its ratification will become official on Thursday, February 14, following its publication in the government's official gazette, Sarkozy's office said.

France is the fifth EU country -- and the first major EU power -- to ratify the new treaty, which must be approved in all 27 member states before it can come into force as planned in 2009.

"Europe now has the framework it needs to get moving again," Sarkozy said.

But the president warned that decision-making gridlock was only part of the EU's problem.

"Now that Europe can make decisions, the problem is knowing what it wants," he said, before repeating his controversial call for European leaders to have a say in fixing monetary policy in the 15-nation eurozone.

"We must be able to talk about everything just like in any democracy: of our currency which is not a taboo subject, of trade policy, of industrial policy, of reciprocity in competition matters or the excesses of financial capitalism."

"Right now, what is at stake is to put politics back in Europe, to not leave Europe in the hands of automatic rules that allow no room for decisions and political responsibility," Sarkozy said.

He repeated his insistence that unbridled competition should be "a means to an end, rather than a goal in itself" -- a key change in the text of the Lisbon treaty that sparked protests from some European nations.

Like the rejected constitution, the Lisbon treaty proposes a European foreign policy supremo and a permanent president to replace the six-month rotation system.

The charter cuts the size of the European Parliament and the number of EU decisions which require unanimous support, thus reducing national vetoes.

It also includes a European charter of fundamental human and legal rights, which Britain and Poland have refused to make binding.

However it drops all references to an EU flag or anthem which had fanned eurosceptic fears of another step towards a federal Europe.

The French president had insisted before his election that any new EU treaty should be adopted by parliament rather than risk a second referendum.

His refusal to submit it to popular scrutiny fuelled anger across opposition ranks, but Sarkozy defended his decision as the only way to break the gridlock.

France's main opposition Socialists had split over the 2005 EU referendum when a rebel faction defied party leaders to campaign for a "No" vote, and the new treaty re-opened many of the old wounds.

A breakaway group of Socialist deputies voted against the treaty, although most finally joined the ruling Union for a Popular Movement and its centrist allies to back the text.

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