Limitless = GOD *
there anything impossible to GOD ?
the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth;
the earth was formless and empty."
-Book of Genesis 1 : 2
notice that it was the earth that was empty and not
necessarily the rest of the Universe
!!! )
...It took about
5500+ years since Adam and Eve were kicked
out of the Garden
of Eden for mankind to create the first
modern 'world map'
of this planet...Despite all our technological
breakthroughs Astronomers
are nowhere near mapping all of
this known Universe !!! According
to most scientific websites less
than 2% of the observable Universe
has been fully mapped !
Despite : super computers, a vast array of
satellites & the amazing
Hubble telescope this
Universe will "NOT" be fully mapped
anytime soon with
our limited technology...This realization has
undoubtedly caused the
heart's of most Astronomers to sink
because they are fully
aware that they will never witness the
mapping of the entire Universe
in their lifetime; it's like witnessing
the Promised Land far off but
being prohibited from ever entering it*
: What you are about to read is "NOT" to be
doctrinally, nor is it claimed to have been received
by visions
or personal revealtions of the Holy Spirit, instead
it is just
a personal perhaps 'insignificant' observation of
this servant
of GOD...The opinions below do "NOT" change
position with the HOLY GOD creator of this Universe
they are indeed proven true one day...As a fallen
we have sinned against GOD and have failed Him
time after
time; it is "ONLY" because of His mercy and grace
that GOD
did not finish all of mankind long ago in the
deluge ( flood )...Mario Romano believes in "ALL" of the
Bible from Genesis to Revelation*...I remind everyone
that in His
Sovereignty GOD does "NOT" have to explain
nor reveal
to anyone the why of His decisions and actions
that : was, is and will be exists solely for His
is not bothered by the opinions of fools
be those of :
Stephen Hawking, Linus Pauling, Freud, Noam Chomsky
or James D. Watson for
all of these "FOOLS" didn't create
anything & everything
out of nothing !!!...Yet, such fools were
celebrated & applauded by
men for having 'discovered' what GOD
created long, long
ago and it is just until recently in this Century
the son's of men are becoming aware of ***...GOD
has mercy upon the foolish because He knows that
their days
are very short and brief upon the earth, for
they too inherited
the DNA of Adam and Eve which carries
the gene
of death itself ***
( the fool says in his heart
there is no GOD*)
to Hebrew beliefs Adam and Eve were created
sometime in
4000 B.C ...Given our global population demographics
and statistical
analysis of such numbers I personally do
believe that Adam and Eve
were created as stated and that
GOD has destined or
predestined modern human history to only
6000 years and the other 1000
being the Millenium mentioned
in the Book of Revelation...If this is
so I will "NOT" be surprised
to learn one day in ETERNITY
before the feet of my Creator that we
were amongst one of
the shortest creations of His*
There is no need to prolong:
corruption, death and pain any
longer; all of these are
temporary conditions before the
Himself has promised in the
Book of Revelation to "MAKE
European Space Agency ( ESA ) has just put out one
of the
most detailed pictures of our Galaxy that has ever
taken with their billion+ pixel camera...What is deeply
provoking and moving about it is that if we were
blot out our own solar system within the vast of other
millions of stars in this galaxy alone it appears that
one would ever miss us, in the grand scheme of things
we appear
insignificant amongst the other billions+ of stars
out there***The
Psalmist beat us all to it when he declared:
"What is
man that thou hast memory ( mindful ) of him ?"
you are about to read is firmly affirmed by
and mario romano, I know fully
well that we will
all have to give an account for
what we teach the body
of Christ, I know that these
insignificant observations of mine
will be confirmed in
eternity !!!...I do not envy the billions
of others who have
been created in the very image of
GOD in this planet
and creation alone; nor do I envy my fellow
Christian brothers
and sisters in Christ who have accomplished so
much more
for the LORD, nor do I envy my Jewish friends
nor the
Angels of heaven who were created way, way before
us all
and know more about GOD than us; GOD knows my
and i'm happy for all !!! i'm just happy to be alive
happy to have been given the opportunity to come into
"DESPITE" my present circumstances or my past*
...I personally
believe in "ALL" of the Holy Bible from
to the last verse in the Book of Revelation, I believe
Jesus Christ is GOD incarnate and that He is the
way to eternal life and not just another way; I believe
the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and in His 2nd coming !!!
the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth
the earth was formless and empty." -Book of Genesis 1 : 2
that again please ?"...What was empty ? : "The earth"
this earth, terra firma, third rock from this sun* )
1 : 2 and "NOT" necessarily the entire
Universe !!!
...Nothing, nothing is impossible to GOD !!! HE speaks
it is done !!! HE does not need us to govern the
HE has been doing fine without your input or mine
this time !!! Trillions, billions and eons of our earthly time
eternity past GOD was certainly "NOT" been sitting idly on
Holy Throne; our GOD delights in creating and His
imagination, creativity
and His breath of life know no limits !!!
GOD can do as He pleases
He doesn't have to answer to
a higher source HE IS
it !!!...
vast majority of Christian ministries who focus on science
do "NOT" believe that there is life out their in
Universe and I respect that... The main concern that they
is that we alone appear to be God's special creation
their eyes we are the most special creation on this
of Heaven itself...The only problem I have with
that is that
everything that GOD creates is special to HIM;
GOD managed
to exist and be for millions upon millions
of years in
eternity past without us...The other issue I have
with other
Christian ministries who focus on astronomy topics
is that
the vast majority of them are like NASA
they expect to
find life in the same manner throughout
the Universe as
it is here and that doesn't have to
be so...GOD's ingenuity
and creative powers are not limited on
basing all life
forms on oxygen and water, as the Chief
engineer and
architect of the Universe i'm very sure that
there are many
out there who were created like the Angels
who don't need
water, air and food to exist but other
elements altogether
for our GOD's creative powers know "NO"
...Most people
in this world will come and go without
meditating on
those things which are eternal, in fact most
people in every
corner of this world live only to satisfy
the desires
of the flesh, sin has so blinded most of
humanity that
most have become spiritually blind
they could care less what
happens out in the heavens !
Most only care about the here and now and
how they can
get ahead of someone else in life***
were there millions of years before NASA came along,
fact theyv'e been there long, long before the first Atheist
to their creator...They were there when the first fool
along and said in his heart that there is no God*
with all our earthly & spacial telescopes & super-computers
Astronomers feel deeply disappointed because they know
well that they will never be able to map all of
this Universe
in their lifetime...
official, it's now a fact : there are more stars in this
that all the human beings that have ever been born
a woman...Yet, what is even more "ASTOUNDING" is that
Holy Bible revelas to us that GOD knows every star by
!!!...And if you feel insignificant you should also know
the Bible "REVEALS" to us another mind-blowing fact :
GOD knows every minute detail about HIS creation
HE even
has knowledge of how many hairs we all each have
our head !!!
...Our Bible
states that the heavens themselves declare the
Glory of GOD
!!!...What you are about to read is a
on something that is bigger than us, something
that was created
before us and something that we were
never authorized by GOD
himself to conquer : This Universe*
( ..."be fruitful
and multiply and fill the earth." )
is tragic and sad is that it is now some 6+ thousand
years since our original parents sinned ( Adam & Eve*)
we still cannot send a man to one of the nearest
( Mars*) nor will be able to in the future according
to the
Book of Revelation be able to conquer space and
our solar system...According to the Prophecies of Revelation
ends here the King's of the earth will "NOT" be
the opportunity to escape planet earth when the
of the Holy GOD begin in the future
they will hide
in caves and in underground military complexes !
again what you are about to read is "NOT" to be
doctrinally or as a new revelation or a personal dream...Yours
is not declaring anything new because it is the heavens
which have long been declaring the Glory of GOD*
...This is
merely a talk amongst strong mature Christians*
has been online for over 12+ years now
and once in a
while I have to alert my readers and visitors
we are not fascinated by the end-times Beast, but we
speechless by the limitless creative powers of the
GOD !!!
...I am astounded
that no other major Christian website even
dares to touch
this subject...I personally believe and am
convinced that
GOD created an innumerable number of other
creations long
before we were created in ETERNITY PAST*
you study and read the Book of Job you will get to
that there was "ALOT" of unearthly activity
our Universe long before we were created !!!
servant of GOD is in no way in love with this
I am in awe and in love with its' CREATOR : GOD*
creator of the heavens and of this earth !!!...I have "NO"
knowing that i'm not the first creation of GOD, nor
last !!!...I do not envy the Angels, nor the Jews, nor all
other "Son's of GOD" who were created long before
i'm just happy and very, very thankful to be alive !!!
that we are one in possible millions of other creations
NOT" change my Theology one bit...
of the world unfortunately doesn't want to believe
the GOD of the Holy Bible; most can't handle the simple
of our creation and of the Gospel of Jesus Christ !!!
speaks and 'bam' things are created !!!...We are "NOT"
to know many things as the Bible makes it perfectly
( Revelation 10 : 3-4 )...The main thing that GOD wants
to know is that 'We' contaminated ourselves with
and that despite this fact He has the power through
Blood that Jesus Christ shed on the Cross to "REDEEM"
back unto Himself*
name is unimportant, I am literally one in a billion
this planet...Most of the world will never know my name
that I existed and that's alright with me...I will never
a book that will sell a million copies nor will i ever
the so call "fifteen minutes of fame" and that's ok
me; the only thing i care is that my real name
is written
in the BOOK OF LIFE !!!...The only thing i
care is that
GOD knows the name of this servant of his
!!!...It is my
goal in life to let others know that
they too can freely
get their names written in the Lamb's
Book of Life !!!
...For they that win soul's are the
truly wise one's !!!
servant of GOD writes these words because he doesn't
to have any regrets at his deathbed, life is too
too brief to have them...As it is in this short life
mine i already have so many regrets, yet i cannot
my past nor the missed opportunities and that is
why i
stand firm, i lift up this little voice in the vast
of this universe and affirm that : "It is full of
GOD has many, many so many other son's that He
created for His pleasure !!! and the scriptures themselves
to us that they weren't jealous of us, in fact the
of GOD" were very delighted when GOD created this
!!! ( Book of Job 38 : 7 )
...When all is said and done in eternity future we will come
to realize that our existence here on earth was
brief, Jesus guaranteed that one day the very heavens
and the earth will pass away but His
eternal WORD shall
never pass...One thing that the Holy Scriptures
is that GOD has prepared a place that eyes
have not
seen, ears heard nor that it has entered into
the hearts
of men to all those who love Him***
end by reminding everyone that the most important
in life is to have a personal relationship with
through Jesus Christ; whether you believe in the
or not you are still save as long as you believe
the most important doctrine of all : Jesus Christ and His
blood is the one that saves us from our sins...And
weather this Universe
is full of life or not doesn't change
our fallen
condition with GOD, "WE" this creation disobeyed
& have to account for our transgressions against Him*
is not a sin to discuss this topic and as Christians
should be in a position to give an answer to both
and new believers alike on hard questions just
as much as
on the easy one's...I remind everyone that GOD
has different
covenants with all of His other creations &
in His
OMNIPRESENT state is able to be before ALL of His
all at the same time...It is childish to even consider
who are GOD's favorite children, I have even heard
some "famous"
preachers state that GOD loves us more
than the Angels, if
that makes you feel better then good
for you !!! But
the reality is that we are all a product of His
we were created out of His love to love and be loved
Him !!!
the evolutionists and atheists of the world argue
against a
creator; GOD long ago in eternity past and eternity
has not ceased creating all forms of life that would
human biologists & make Astronomers weep in
amazement...The very
limited and corrupted minds of
men cannot grasp the unlimited
powers of GOD and
this we know of Him : "He delights
in having many, many
children whom He calls His sons !*** Some
argue that
the Holy Bible never reveals to us
that GOD created
others in this Universe; true but it
also never declares
that we are His only creation
either ***
By : Mario Romano, mario is "NOT" a prophet, nor an
much less a Bishop, he's not even a
professional astronomer ! nor is he a doctor of any
kind; he's just a poor mexican soul who
His chief
goal in life is to be more and more like
Christ !!!
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me
to understand!
- Psalm 139 : 6