Great Battle of The Beasts
! ..."The end shall come like a flood : War
will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed." -
Book of Daniel 9 : 26 NIV ...The Russian Beast has just
"Devoured" an entire 'Crimean Limb' from our Ukrainian 'bleeding
friend' and all the other Beasts are wondering if this Russian
Bear is out of hibernation for good ?...Meanwhile the only other
Beasts of the Earth with big enough "Teeth" to roar and
growl back at it are trying to reason with this Russian
Beast; but they are too quick to forget that you cannot
reason with a Beast who still has 'fresh meat' and 'warm
blood' dripping between its fangs !!!...All the Western Beasts including the
mighty G-8 and NATO naively believed that the Russian Beast
was now part of their "Beast-Pack" but this Beast has
now shown its true colors and nothing will ever be the same...The
Russian Beast with "Nuclear Teeth and Nails of Iron" meanwhile senses
great 'weaknesses' among the other Beasts of this Earth and this
Beast knows that most of the other Beasts are too 'weak
and small' to thwart it and contain it and the only
true Beast that can threaten it is "too naive, tired & somehow
thinks that it can 'Talk the Russian Beast to death !!!'...You
and I know that this same Russian Beast will set its sights
against an Israel which will be "Living in Safety" in
the future *** ( Ezekiel 38 : 1-15 ) ...As this Beast
looks at itself in the mirror it will say to itself who
can stop me ? I'm the largest country on Earth with the
most nuclear weapons; but Proverbs warns us that "Pride leads
one into destruction !!!"...What this Beast doesn't know is that
the GOD of heaven always raises an even : 'faster, larger, more destructive
and more cunning Beast' to take care of the one before it
so that it will serve HIS divine purposes***...The thing about
Beasts is that they very seldom are satisfied with devouring
only one prey especially after devouring a very juicy prey
in the presence of all the other Beasts of the Earth and
knowing that it got away with it !!!...For the Beasts
of this Earth are always looking to devour 'smaller and weaker'
prey and some 'zoologists and ethologists' tell us that some Beasts
can even sense "FEAR" and when they do they can get
even bolder and deadlier !!!...What the Russian Beast doesn't
know is that its actions will force the 'Little European
Beasts from the West' to create an even 'bigger and
deadlier' Beast with "10 Horns & Teeth of Iron"
who will ultimately end up dominating and destroying what will
be left of the Russian Beast in the final days; as well as any
other Earthly Beast who challenges it !!!...What we do know
for certain is that the Russian Beast is "NOT" the final
'4th Beast' forewarned by the Prophet Daniel who is destined to devour
& crush most of the world during the Great Tribulation***( Daniel
11 : 44 & Revelation 13 : 4 )...What we
do now know is that the 'Battle of the Beasts' is just beginning
and "NOT" ending*** - By : Mario Romano,
'Semi-Expert' on Beasts & Little Horns* ...Although
the 'Prince of Rosh' is indeed the 'King of the
North' who not only occupies the world's largest country
but also happens to be the largest possessor of nuclear
weapons in all the world at over 8,000+ it is
"NOT" the final end times 'Beast with 10 Horns' described
by the Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation !!!...There is no question
that Putin harbors great and ambitious things for 'Mother
Russia' such as those brought on by Stalin in the past (
for better or for worse )..."NO" Russia is "NOT"
Prophetically destined to dominate the globe in the final days;
but what Putin has done quite undoubtedly is to
"Quicken" the rise of the "Little Horn & its
10 Horns" and awakened the sleeping giant of NATO;
who many "experts" predicted had no future in the Post-Cold
War world...It is the basic instinct of all 'Beasts' to be
very territorial and devour the weaker Beasts and the final Beast
with 10 Horns will do likewise; "DEVOUR" the territory
that "Imperial Rome" once dominated and conquered***...In reality
no one should be surprised that the Russian Beast got 'territorial'
and wanted to devour and reconquer what its predecessor
the Communist Beast once lost......"NO" the Russian
Beast is "NOT" one of the 4 Beasts Prophesied by the
Prophet Daniel that would conquer Israel through the ages until the time of
the end; Putin and his Russian Military will be like many
of the regional powers that 'came and went' through
the ages, their rise is "TEMPORARY and BRIEF" for the
Prince of Rosh must go so that the Beast who
rises from the Abyss may "POSSESS & EMPOWER"
the Prince of the people who conquered Israel during the
time of Jesus Christ***...The Bible Prophets did Prophesy that
this King of the North with many Islamic countries will
attack Israel in the final days; but as you and I know
they will "NOT" prevail for it has not been given
unto them that role by GOD; the Holy ONE of ISRAEL;
who makes Empires and King's 'Rise and Fall' to
fulfill HIS SOVEREIGN will !!!Bible Prophecy also warns
us that when the 'Final dreaded Beast' arises it will "DEVOUR"
the same geographic areas and countries that the Roman Empire
once conquered and you and I know that the final Beast
with 7 Heads and 10 Horns is headed back into
what we today call the Middle East and not just only to
secure the oil fields of the region for itself but "CHIEFLY"
because Satan and all of his demonic forces know that
their time is short and the nation of Israel will
be at the top of their list and the forces of
evil will "CONCENTRATE" all of their demonic armies as well
as all of their human puppet soldiers against Israel to
try to "ANNIHILATE" it once and for all !!!...Armageddon surely
cometh, but not before 'World War III' is brought forth
first by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse !!!
( EUinProphecy.com is interpreting the 4 Horsemen as the purveyors of World War III***) ...Putin in effect has opened a 'Pandora's Box' that
will ultimately unleash and seal his own destruction and that
of 'Mother Russia' in the future... The "Little Horn" who
is coming and who "ALSO" observed the Russian Beast devour
Crimea will outsmart the Russian Beast in the future but
not before the Russian Beast and its cubs are almost
totally decimated upon the hills of Israel in a future war***...Napoleon
and Hitler made strategic mistakes when they invaded 'Mother
Russia' in the past and the "Little Horn" will definitely
not repeat those mistakes in the future when "he"
attacks what's left of the Russian Beast in the future***(
Book of Daniel 11 : 44 ) ...Mr.Putin
is simply enjoying his "second" 15 minutes of fame or
is it infamy ? and if Mr.Putin is indeed possessed by the
'Prince of Rosh' ( recall the : Prince of Persia, the Prince of Greece ? ) then
he will indeed have a very humiliating end and his pride
will ultimately bring upon his own demise as well as Russia's ultimate
destruction in the not so distant future***...The fool hath initiated
his own demise and he doesn't even know it ...In his
attempt to make a name for himself as : Lenin
and Stalin did in the past; Putin doesn't realize that (
if he indeed is the final Russian Authoritarian then* )
he is destined to bring about the total destruction of his
Russia !!!...Despotic authoritarians learn nothing from history !!! -
Mario Romano, student of Bible Prophecy and military theory &
strategy* ...Russia is already the world's
largest country by landmass and it shares 14 land borders
with different countries; expect this Russian Beast to get 'bolder
and bolder' for it is prophesied that in the near future
Russia will align itself 'even more so' with countries such as
Iran and Syria and it shall be ultimately pulled into attacking
Israel; but it shall be humiliated and its soldiers
shall be almost decimated when GOD finishes with this Russian
Bear; for the "Lion of the Tribe of Judah" shall roar
from Zion and the nations shall see that there truly
is a GOD in Israel !!!...Like we stated before 'Total War'
is coming in this age of the iphone; technology may be revolutionizing
the way we communicate with each other but the wickedness of
the heart of man continues to multiply*** ...It appears
that the actions of the 'Russian Beast' and the 'Islamic Beast'
will "QUICKEN" the rise of the most dreaded Beast
of all : the Romanesque Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns; the
end is not yet it's just that all the major players in
Bible Prophecy are getting ready for the beginning of the
end***...This student of Bible Prophecy asserts based on Bible
Prophecy that the nations which harbor Islamic fundamentalism will
suffer devastating losses in the future on the par of
what transpired in : Nagasaki and Hiroshima***...While some see Islam
spreading into all the world this servant of GOD sees Islamic
countries as being "Surrounded" by the Nuclear Powers
of : Russia, China, India, NATO and Israel ( just look at a world map and you'll understand
what I mean !!!) ...The truth is that all of these nuclear powers
are at war in one way or another with Islamic fundamentalists
!!!...The final dominating Kingdom on planet Earth will be a very
highly secular one that worships the Beast and "NOT"
allah as some are naively predicting !!!...I'm not here to
exclusively demonize anyone group of people the truth of the matter
is that the "JUDGEMENT & WRATH" of thee HOLY GOD
of Israel is coming to "ALL" those who have rejected
JESUS CHRIST; be they : Jew, Gentile, Buddhist or Muslim, rich or poor
!!! ...As you can witness, the UN continues to become
more and more irrelevant just as this servant of GOD predicted; did
you hear the world community mention anything about the United
Nations diplomatically or militarily intervening in the Ukrainian Conflict;
"NO" !!!...The UN is a multi-headed Beast, but it is one
which will soon go into "EXTINCTION" for it has "NO"
teeth, it is nothing more than what the Chinese would call a
: "Paper Tiger."...As the world continues to spiral out of
control; look for great changes to take place within the European
Union that will ultimately allow it to consolidate "Total
Monetary and Military Power" into the hands of 10 of
its members as global conflicts exponentially increase and as
the global economy begins to implode***...The Europeans once
kicked out the Muslims out of Europe; and they will once
again do it again !!!...When all hell breaks loose on this
planet in the future you will quickly understand that the
#1 priority of every nation-state will be "Self-Preservation"
regardless of "International Law" and the "Geneva Conventions"
!!! and that will be one of the chief factors that
will allow the Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns to arise
to the amazement of the whole world !!! ...Wars and
rumors of wars must first take place; the end is not yet
but sure is getting mighty near !!!...This servant of GOD
in no way seeks the death and destruction of anyone "BUT"
the Biblical Prophecies were already set in motion long before
you and I came to this planet; this servant of GOD is
merely interpreting the Prophecies of the Holy Bible***...This student
of Bible Prophecy has always stated that the two largest players
in the final Battle of Armageddon will consist of the "Kingdom
of the Beast" and the "King's of the East" by the
time that the final 'Battle of Armageddon' comes along
the : USA, Russia and the Islamic countries will have suffered
catastrophic loses that is why we only hear of the 'Kingdom
of the Beast' and the 'King's of the East' during the final
part of the Great Tribulation; "Nuclear War Cometh" and
that is just the beginning of sorrows !!! ...GOD promised
Noah that He would never destroy the planet again by flooding
it with water but He didn't promise that He wouldn't
destroy it with : Giant Asteroids, Giant Hailstones, Giant Locusts,
Giant Earthquakes and Giant Heatwave just to name a few
of the plagues mentioned in the Book of Revelation !!!
...Students of Bible Prophecy should be noticing the increasing
relevancy of NATO and the West's isolation of the
Russian Beast and let's get this straight; in the end only
one Beast will dominate the world as 'Daniel 7 : 23' guarantees;
at least during the Tribulation period !!! ...And the final Beast
won't share his power with the : UN Beast, the American Beast nor
the other regional Beasts of this planet for the final Beast
is Prophesied to be one that emerges from the region of
the Mediterranean and while "NO" one presently knows who these
Ten King's will end up being; what we do know is that
Rome will once again play a key role in the formation of
this alliance led by the 10 King's of the Book of
Revelation***...To this student of geopolitics, Putin's endgame is very
clear : Putin wants Russia to dominate the oil and gas extraction
and exploration of the region for "Gazprom" one of the
largest companies in the world and it is no secret that
Putin himself holds a very large personal stake in its profits !!! ...OIL
& Gas are just one of the various reasons why Putin
is doing what he is doing; he perceives a weak and indecisive
West led by a weak US leader and and even more
harmless NATO !!! ...The Holy Bible describes
and presents the 'Governments and Kingdoms' of this world
as "Beasts."...Presently the whole world appears surprised by
what the Russian Beast and the Prince of Rosh are doing;
but this student of Bible Prophecy is not surprised at all...Not
only are Kingdoms presented as Beasts by the Holy Bible;
but the Holy Scriptures themselves reveal to us the sinister
forces that are really behind all the power of these
Beasts; the true forces that compel such Beasts to do the
things that they do are the Kingdoms and Principalities controlled
by none other than powerful demonic forces ( Daniel 10 : 20 )
men are merely the 'puppets' for the most part; and they
are puppets of the enemy and of the Prince of Darkness because they willingly
choose to reject the truth of Jesus Christ !!! ...Everyone in this planet is
either serving Satan or Jesus Christ; for their are "NO"
in between or neutral observers !!!...Students of Bible Prophecy
know that the Prophecies of the Bible predict a coming
invasion and war against Israel in the future by Russia and
several Arab-Islamic countries; but that will "NOT" be a war
in which Russia will be victorious because GOD has other
plans !!!...The Biblical Prophecies for the most part focus on
the Empires that will affect the nation of Israel and while
the Russian Beast is mentioned 'here and there' it is in
no way the Beast that will pose thee greatest threat upon
my Jewish friends... ...Beasts are very territorial and as their territory
and natural resources appear to diminish they instinctively attempt
to strike fear against the other Beasts in the wilderness...Students
of Bible Prophecy know that Russia will once again try to
reassert itself upon the world just like its Communist predecessor
tried to and ultimately failed and fell into a hole and
a trap which it itself dug and created !!!...The Russian Beast
smells 'Fear' and we all know that most Beasts are
extremely territorial, the only problem with the Russian Beast
is that it has one of the largest nuclear arsenal behind
it and all the other Beasts of this planet know it and that is why everyone
appears afraid to confront this Russian Bear; but there
is one who is now alive who understands 'dark sentences'
and who like Hitler and Napoleon will seek to conquer and
decimate the Russian Beast once and for all !!! You see,
Beasts don't like competition to them its all or nothing
and that is exactly what the final Beast will do not only
to the Russian Beast in the future but also to all
of what will be left of the other Beasts on the endangered list
of this planet !!! ...The Prophecies of the Prophet Daniel 7 : 23
guarantees that the final Beast that shall arise out
of the region of the Mediterranean and shall : trample,
crush and devour the whole world !!! Yes, Russia
and the Prince of Rosh would like to be the one's fulfilling
that prophecy but it shall not be so !!! ...For the GOD in
heaven has decreed the future of "ALL" the King's and
Kingdoms of this planet and creation and the Russian Beast
is destined to play a secondary role !!! ...Meanwhile as you can see
the UN Beast is nowhere to be seen, the American Beast
on the other hand is 'tired and weary' of involving itself
in yet another war and its horn has no clue as
to 'realpolitiks' ...This American horn is very "NAIVE" and
sincerely thinks that you can reason with other Beasts the
harsh truthis that a Beast will ultimately do what it instinctively
knows to do and devour other weaker prey !!!...Bible Prophecy
forwarns us that in the end a Beast with 7 Heads and
10 Horns will arise from the Mediterranean Region and it
shall be that Beast with 10 Horns' the one who will
ultimately end subjugating all of the other Beasts of this
Earth !!!...That is why EuropeinProphecy.com has existed for over
a decade now and will continue to exist; to "Forwarn"
all those who seek to understand the signs of the times
!!! ...You see, while most of the "professional"
prognosticators are predicting that the future belongs to China
and India and other emerging and industrializing nations this servant
of GOD doesn't see it that way at all; first of all
we don't have another Century; for the 'Times of the Gentiles'
is quickly coming to an end; the "Fig Tree" has
bloomed and Israel's enemies are raging !!!...This servant of
GOD and student of Bible Prophecy is "NO" war monger,
but the truth and reality of this planet is that "WAR"
is a fact of life....If you have studied the Old Testament
you can easily see that Israel was virtually always in one
war or another against its many enemies and even when it
was not at war it was only because the Hebrews had been
taken captives into Babylon, Assyria, Egypt and Persia; and even during
the time that our Lord Jesus Christ came Israel was occupied
by the Roman Army !!!...In effect the true Christian just
like Israel is also always involved in one battle or
another either with the flesh or with the arrows of the
enemy !!! ...In sum, you and I know that Russia is
controlled by the Prince of Rosh and is also the King of
the North mentioned by the Prophet Daniel; Russia will ultimately
be not only defeated on the mountains of Israel in the
future but it will also be "HUMILIATED" before the entire
world !!!...Ladies and Gentlemen, 'Total War' is coming back
that is how the Tribulation period begins with the introduction
of the 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse' and in effect like
this servant of GOD stated before the 4 Horsemen produce, initiate
and bring forth World War III and this war should not
be confused with the latter Battle of Armageddon !!! ...This
servant of GOD in no way relishes the coming destruction
of billions of people and of entire nations but that is
exactly what GOD has warned us about through His servants
the Hebrew Prophets and this servant of GOD is no prophet
for he is merely reiterating what the Prophets of GOD
prophesied for our final times...where the dark and wicked heart
of man is headed...While there are several Beasts out there
trying to dominate all the others Bible Prophecy forewarns
that ultimately one of them will succeed where all the others
have failed; and while both the : Islamic and the Russian
Beast appear to be a formidable threat against Israel and
the region we all know that in the end the most
dangerous and lethal Beast that will pose the most serious
existential threat to the Jewish Nation will not be the
"Big Mouth" of the Islamic Beast nor the nuclear nails
of the Russian Beast but it shall be the future rise
of a Beast that once was and is not yet and it
shall be this "Romanesque Beast" who will do what no
other Beast in history has been capable of doing and if
not for the physical return of the King of Israel
"NO" flesh will be saved !!! ...The moral of this story
is that the Beasts of the earth really don't care about
anyone else; they are all about "self preservation" only
GOD our Creator can bring humanity true peace; for all of
the 'man made governments' of this planet
have failed most; the Beasts in effect are like parasites,
they have little or no compassion upon their shubjects and they
will do anything and everything to guarantee their survival !!!...Expect
to see NATO become more relevant than ever; the USA and
the EU naively believed that the Russian threat was a thing
of the past and this has produced a false sense of security;
Putin senses weakness in the West and that is why he is
growing ever more bold but he is not the dreaded "Little
Horn" of the Apocalypse !!! ...The Prophecies of Daniel will be fulfilled
in chronological order and Daniel 9 : 26 reveals to us that the
end times will come like a "FLOOD": war will continue until
the end, and desolations have been decreed*** By
: Mario Romano is a student of Bible prophecy who confesses that
he still has so much learn from the Biblical Prophecies...Mario's
goal and dream is not to sit one day with Mr. Putin
or Mr.Obama; nor with any temporal King of this world !!!...My
goal is to be in the presence of my Creator; feasting at
His table and forever dwelling in His presence !!!...Eventually someone is
going to be the first person to correctly identify
correctly who "The Beast with 7 Heads and 10 Horns" will
end up being and this servant of GOD has volunteered for
the task; send me O LORD, here is your servant !!!...It is the continual prayer of this servant of GOD
that GOD ALmighty may one day use this servant of His for
His Honor and His Glory***...Mario understands that Jesus Christ
died for the sins every human being who has ever
lived but that very "UNFORTUNATELY" most have chosen out
of their own freewill to 'ignore and reject' the Gospel
of salvation of Jesus Christ***...This servant of GOD does "NOT"
seek nor prays for the annihilation of anyone human being created
in the image of GOD; it hurts me when I see animal hurting and it
hurts me even so much more when I see a fellow human
being regardless of their ethnic background in pain and in suffering*** (((( UNDER CONSTRUCTION & EDITING***)))

Sarkozy's Mediterranean
EUNEWS April 20, 2008
President Nicolas Sarkozy of France believes passionately in a Mediterranean Union, and is
putting a great deal of energy - and urgency - into bringing it to birth.
Heads of state and government of 43 potential
member states have been invited to attend a summit meeting on 13 July, when they are expected to issue a ringing declaration
formally launching the Union.
For extra solemnity, the summit will
be held in the grandiose setting of the Grand Palais, a vast ironwork and glass structure, built in the heart of Paris for
the Universal Exhibition of 1900.
In the meantime, planning for the
launch is in the hands of a high-powered French team, led by Ambassador Alain Leroy, which Sarkozy has housed under his direct
supervision at 23 Avenue Marigny, a former Rothschild mansion just across the street from the Elyse Palace.
What exactly is the proposed Mediterranean Union about, and why the urgency? The Mediterranean
lies at the centre of Sarkozy's geo-political vision. "The Mediterrean," he likes to say, "is not our past
but our future", in the sense that he believes that many of Europe's most acute problems can be solved only in close
coordination with the countries on the other side of the sea. This vision has led him to undertake several state visits to
North Africa.
The problems he has in mind are familiar ones which have
been much debated: terrorism; illegal immigration; pollution of the sea affecting tourism and fisheries; scarcity of fresh
water; rampant unemployment and over-population in the South; desertification which is spreading to countries such as Spain,
Italy and Greece; and a widening of the already wide gap in personal incomes between North and South.
other words, Europe's security and prosperity can only be assured if the countries bordering the Mediterranean also enjoy
security and prosperity - but this requires a major joint initiative by both North and South. Behind this thinking is a sense
that since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Western Europe has tended to neglect its southern flank while devoting much aid
and attention to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
Mediterranean Union project faced early objections from German Chancellor Angela Merkel. She feared that he was planning to
include only France, Spain and Italy in the proposed Mediterranean Union, excluding all other European Union member states.
This problem was resolved when it was agreed that all 27 members of the EU would be members of the Union pour la Mediterranée
(UPM). They will be joined by the countries bordering the Mediterranean, as well as by Jordan and Mauritania - 43 countries
in all.
Turkey was alarmed because Sarkozy's plan was first billed
as a device to keep Turkey out of the EU by offering it the alternative of membership of the UPM. Turkish anxieties have since
been partially allayed by its proposed participation in some of the major economic projects Sarkozy hopes to initiate.
Political conflicts
More than a decade ago, the Barcelona Process was launched in 1995,
precisely in the hope that European money would help resolve political conflicts among the states bordering the Mediterranean,
leading to economic development - and thus to preventing the import into Western Europe of terrorism and unwanted migrants.
But the Barcelona Process has been a failure - or at least only a very partial success. It was launched at
a time of high expectations. The Madrid Conference of 1991 and the Oslo Accords of 1993 seemed to open the way to a settlement
of the Arab-Israeli conflict. But these expectations were soon disappointed.
The assassination of Israel's prime minister Yitzak Rabin by a Jewish fanatic in November 1995 put an end to peace-making.
It was followed instead by a period of heightened Arab-Israeli tension and violence. This in turn has contributed to the rise
of militant Islamic movements, to the terrorist attacks on America of September 11, 2001, to neo-colonial wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan, and to a dangerous, and still un-bridged, rift between the West and the Arab and Islamic world. Against these
odds, the Barcelona Process could make little headway.
One should add
that another reason the Barcelona Process failed was because it was undermined by the conflict between Morocco and Algeria
over the Western Sahara, which prevented the creation of a single market in North Africa and thus discouraged inward investment
into the region.
Over time, the Barcelona Process came to be seen as
a doomed paternalistic project, launched by European governments for their own selfish purposes, with little input from countries
in the east and south of the Mediterranean.
Sarkozy's strategy today is to reverse the objectives. Instead
of pressing for the resolution of political conflicts as a preliminary to economic development, his approach is to start with
major economic projects in the belief that they will, in time, yield political dividends.
Among the projects now being discussed on both sides of the Mediterranean is a scheme to clean up - or de-pollute
- the sea by 2020, with a first-stage investment of $2 billion. Another scheme, dear to Egypt, is to create a high-speed shipping
route between Alexandria and Tangiers - a sort of maritime motorway. There are plans to harness solar energy for the Mediterranean
region, and to manage scarce water resources more efficiently, so as to provide drinking water for all and a better use of
waste water for irrigation.
The French are particularly keen on creating
a unified Mediterranean scientific and university "space", in which professional training will be provided for managers,
scientists and technicians, so as to improve agriculture and fisheries, and check the relentless advance of desertification.
Plans are also being prepared for a Mediterranean civil protection centre, for an agency to promote small and medium sized
industries, for a possible Mediterranean bank, and much else besides.
Unlike the Barcelona Process, the
idea this time is fully to involve the populations of the southern and eastern Mediterranean, to seek the participation of
private sector interests and civil society associations, as well as financing not only from European governments and institutions,
but also from the oil-rich countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.
The idea is that the Mediterranean lies at the centre of a vast region extending from Africa to the Gulf. The calculation
is that a healthy and prosperous Mediterranean will reinforce the position of Europe in the world and allow European to play
a greater role in advancing the cause of peace in the Middle East.
objective of the Mediterranean Union is political," Ambassador Leroy says, "but it is driven by economics. We cannot
wait for conflicts to be resolved before launching our projects. But the Union will launch a process which will, it is hoped,
help solve the political conflicts". He adds that the great project of the European Union - 27 member states and a combined
population of 495 million - started with the modest Coal and Steel Community.
Sarkozy is determined to make the Mediterranean Union one of the great achievements of his presidency. It remains to be
seen whether the injection of his redoubtable political will can make the ambitious project a reality.